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本研究係運用數位多媒體科技,配合行政院農委會水土保持局委託台灣師大環保中心的「2003年台灣生態工法博覽會—后番子坑溪生態工法」、台灣師大學環境保護中心汪靜明教授研究小組執行的「2004后番子坑溪集水區域自然生態工法博覽會規劃及設計服務」之計畫,融入相關之環境教育推廣。 以SONY VX-2000的DV攝影機及個人電腦的DVSTORM2非線性剪接系統,記錄生態工法在后番子坑溪的實施過程與有關環境教育的影像記錄,完成影像的輸出,實際用於國中自然與生活科技中的彈性課程的內容中,並且透過問卷的調查,來了解老師與學生的反應。 在研究的進行中,透過數位影像技術與設備的現況了解,找尋可普遍使用的設備與軟體資源,去記錄與完成一套適合環境教育的數位教材,並且實際使用於教學的使用上。期能對於教材,特別是環境議題、生態教材方面的製作能有所助益。 在製作數位教材與使用的歷程上,透過攝影、非線性剪接技術的學習與嘗試,還有運用參與式的行動研究,一方面記錄了生態工法的施工過程、環境教育的實施呈現,乃至於后番子坑溪生態工法教學園區完成的整個過程。另一方面也記錄著研究者的創作歷程,及提供老師在教學的過程中,所能採用的教學策略。 再者,透過他人的影像記錄及訪談,讓研究者更能具有不同面向的思考模式,在數位教材的製作內容上,能更具完備性。
This study through the application of Muti-media technology is mainly cooperated with the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau (SWCB) Council of Agriculture (COA) and its proposal “2003 Taiwan ecotechnological exhibition ---Ecotechnology of Houpentzukeng Stream” is excuted by National Taiwan Normal University Graduate Institute of Environmental Conservation. With the help of the professor Wan, Jin-Ming and his plan “2004 Houpentzukeng Stream area and its natural ecotechnological exhibition and design service”, we are looking forword to imparting enviromental educatuion by this study. DV camera of SONY VX-2000 and non-linear editing of personal computer are available to record the process of ecotechnology of Houpentzukeng Stream and many images or video records of Environmental Education.In addition, it can be efficiently used in the program of Nature and living technology in Junior high school. And, we can easily understand the reaction between teachers and students by means of questionnaires. In the progress of my study, I am dedicated to demonstrating the current digital photographic concepts and technique which can be applied in the Evironmental education. In addition, we are anticipate to help the study for the issues of environment and manufactures of bionomic courses through the systems of personal computer, non-liner cutting software and the technique of digital video. In the experiences of producing digital teaching lessons, we faithfully record the whole process of practicing environmental education and the accomplishment of the ecotechnological area of Houpentzukeng Stream through many attempts of photography, non-liner cutting technique and interactive study. Reservedly, we also record the writing process of researcher and provide useful teaching measures to teachers. Moreover, I employ others video records and talks to help me spur different way of thinking, and thus I wish to make perfect the contents of digital teaching workbook.



數位影像技術, 生態工法, 非線性剪接, 環境教育, Digital photographic technology, Ecotechnology, Non-linear editing, Environmental education

