

「全校式經營能源學校輔導計畫」是台達電子文教基金會與大地旅人環境工作室合作辦理,屬於企業型組織與民間團體的合作。輔導計畫主軸是以全校式經營模式來輔助學校推動能源教育,目的在於協助學校解決能源問題,進行能源教學,及建立學校節能文化。 本研究利用方案邏輯模式來檢視輔導計畫及參與學校實施狀況與成果。研究對象為輔導團隊及四所參與學校-建安、大山、惠文是國小,南寧為完全中學。研究方法採用質性訪談、觀察、相關文件,以及量化問卷等方式著手進行討論。 輔導計畫以客制化方式輔導參與學校推動全校式經營的能源教育。四所參與學校首先有能源團隊的建立,並透過環境的自我檢查以瞭解學校能源問題,以設定目標與方案內容的行動計畫訂定,付諸實際的行動。各校各有重點,包括:設計以學生為主角的能源課程;常態進行全校能源教學;以總量管制冷氣機使用,讓學生學習有效使用電器…等。四所參與學校依著這過程皆分別產生具體可見的成品或事實紀錄,例如:節電成效、能源教育教材、實驗數據、學生的新能源學習作品…等。而依據前後測問卷反應,各校師生前後改變的情形各不同,是與學校本身推動內容有滿大的關係。至於輔導計畫、參與學校面臨的困難為何?輔導計畫面臨學校的繁忙與人事異動、KEEP能源教材接受度低、有興趣有熱情的教師少、硬體取向的思維等限制;參與學校包括學校成員對於能源教育的支持不一、各處室合作問題、時間不足等阻礙。 依照上述結論,針對想要推動能源教育的學校、教師提出建議如下:接洽能源相關機關並進行合作計畫,提供參與機會,獎勵,能源教學資源的分享,加強家長支持學校推動能源教育。對於未來研究建議進入單所參與學校進行長時間細膩的研究,繼續追蹤參與學校發展情形。
Delta Electronics Foundation and Earth Passengers cooperate with “Whole School Energy Education”.To guide participant schools by whole school approach is the program’s main axle. To assist participant schools solve energy problems, carry on the energy instruction, and establish energy conservation culture are the program’s main targets. This study is written by logic model. The target groups of this study are program and four participant schools. The study methods combine with qualitative and quantitative tools-interview, observation, related document, and questionnaire. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1. The program guides participant schools by customization measure. They are “counsel”, “energy education materials”,“electronic newspaper and the blog”,“ workshops”,“funds” and so on. 2. Although four participant schools have different focus, they have “team”, “check their environment”,“make purposes”,“take actions” by the same token. 3. After impelling, four participant schools have specific contents, such as energy education material, empirical datum, student's works, energy education planning for action and so on. 4. During the process, program and four participant schools have problems, they include “not many school members support the plan”, “cooperation problems”, “insufficient time” and so on. Finally, some suggestions are proposed to schools and teachers-“consult with the related institute”,“encourage teachers and students to work together on the program”,“reward”,“share resources or experiences”,“get support accepted by parents”.Besides, some suggestions are proposed to the future researches-“analyse single participant school how to impetus energy education and results deeply”, “continue to trace participant schools about future development”.



全校式經營, 能源教育, whole-school approach, energy education





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