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本研究旨在探討永續發展概念融入地理課程的教材設計以及比較討論教學法與一般講述教學法對國中七年級學生永續發展的知識、態度學習成效。為了達成研究目的,本研究採用準實驗研究中之不等組前後測實驗設計,以新北市某所國中七年級二個班級的學生為研究對象,分別為討論教學法的實驗組學生以及一般講述教學的對照組學生,比較兩種教學法在永續發展概念學習的差異。實驗課程結束後,以永續發展概念量表實施前後測。量表分為知識與態度量表,結果分析輔以實驗組學生的課堂觀察記錄、教師省思記錄、活動學習單、課堂學習回饋表以及討論教學法學習意見調查的填寫成果評估討論教學法對實驗組學生的學習成效以及討論教學法的學習歷程;經文獻探討與實驗發現之結果,獲得下列結論: 一、實施討論教學法與一般講述教學法均能顯著提升永續發展知識學習成效。 二、討論教學法能夠顯著提升學生永續發展態度概念學習成效。 三、運用師生共同討論或小組討論有助於學生建構永續發展概念。 四、實施討論教學法的實驗組學生普遍對於課堂學習過程具有正向學習態度。 本研究結果顯示經過永續發展概念融入地理課程教學實施後,兩組學生的永續發展知識均有提升,而實施討論教學法更能促進學生在永續發展的態度學習成效,而學生對討論教學法的學習感受在調查結果中呈現正向態度。說明「永續發展概念融入地理課程」適合運用討論教學法在國中地理課程進行教學。本研究根據研究結果提出有關教材內容、教學活動、後續研究的建議,提供未來設計相關教學課程的參考資料。
This study discusses how sutainable development is intergrated in the teaching materials of geographical courses as well as how comparative discussion method and didactic instruction affect the knowledge and effectiveness of learning for sustainable development of 7th grade junior high students. To reach the study goal, the pretest –posttest nonequivalent groups design is employed. The students of two classes in a junior high school of New Taipei City are chosen as an experimental group and a control group respectivly in order to compare the difference of the two teaching method in sustainable development. A scale of sustainble development concepts is used to conduct pre-test and post-test. Also qualitative methods like observation records and questionaires foster our understandings for the study. The study concludes: 1.Both of discussion methond and didactic instruction can raise significantly the learning effectiveness on the students in two groups. 2.The discussion method can raise significantly the learning effectiveness of the students in experimental group. 3.The didactic instruction can not raise significantly the learing effectiveness of the students in control group. 4.Gernerally, the students in experimental group have a positive learning attitude toward course learning. 5.The students in experimaent group can develop the ability of communication and integration of the information through discussion in peer group. The study shows after the concepts of sustainalbe development are intergrated in geographical couses, students perform better in terms of knowledge of sustainable development, the discussion method can expecially foste the effectiveness. It suggests the integration of sustainable development can be conducted with the discussion method in the geographical teaching of junior high school.



永續發展概念, 國中地理課程, 討論教學法, sustainable development concept, geographical courses of junior high school, discussion method

