

本研究以問卷調查和因子分析法,自國立台灣師範大學數學系一班大三修讀「數學教材教法」課程中的四十六位學生中,篩選出八名具代表性的個案;再透過個案研究法,追蹤此八位學生數學教師在初次接觸到數學教學時的一年師培課程期間,其教學價值之認同歷程以及價值認知的內涵和影響,並了解影響個案價值認同變遷的因素。研究的進程分為價值原生(啟蒙期)、價值醞釀(介入期)與價值教學(實踐期)三個階段,並配合問卷調查、個案晤談和教室觀察等方式,蒐集多樣的個案實徵資料以提升資料分析與詮釋的信度和效度。參酌Bishop (2001)對培育學生教師價值教學活動的建議以及研究期間之見聞和感受,作者預擬了一個包括三個發展階段和價值認同強弱變化的二維詮釋性架構,來描述個案價值認同歷程的演變情形、認知內涵的調整與影響認同變遷的相關因素。 研究結果顯示,八位學生教師分別呈現出比重不同的價值認同以及對價值的認知,而且,在其歷程中有原生價值、威權、脈絡和個人偏好四種可能影響價值認同變遷的因素,同時對價值內涵的認知也會影響價值的認同。師培活動中的價值教學配合價值認知活動,應可深化學生教師的單一價值並拓展其多元的價值體系,這也似乎暗示了他們情意面專業發展的可能性。在探討價值認同的歷程中,以價值認知的維度來探訪有助於了解學生教師如何認同、如何實踐以及認同和實踐之間的關係,這也呈顯了價值的認同、實踐與認知三者之間不可分離的交織關係。所以,價值認知在價值相關研究中應該是個值得、也是更需謹慎看待的元素。若能進一步探討這個元素所扮演的角色,或許能夠發展出價值認知的層次,並轉變價值認同的取向。 最後,本研究的結果應有助於數學師資培育者,掌握學生教師在價值認同上可能受到的干擾情形,而能進一步規劃適當的培育活動、引入相伴隨的價值教學,促使學生教師在自我價值上不斷地深入和擴展,並能更深刻地反思自己的教學想法而能夠拓展或豐富自我的價值內涵與價值體系。期待學生教師的成長不只侷限在數學知識的增長,在接觸和體驗價值的教學之後進而引動個人專業的成長。
Based on a questionnaire survey with statistical factor analysis, 8 cases were selected from and represented a group of 46 student teachers who participated in a class of methods course for secondary mathematics in their third year of learning to teach mathematics. The author then used case study method, trying to find out the process of their pedagogical values identification, the content and effect of their pedagogical values cognition, and the factors intervening in the process of their pedagogical values identification. This research consists three phases, including the values-inherent, values-intervened and values-acting stages, using questionnaires, interviews, and classroom observations to collect and analyze the empirical data. To refer to Bishop’s views on student teachers value-teaching, the author frames a two-dimension framework to represent the 8 participant student teachers’ process of their pedagogical values identification, the adjustment of their pedagogical values cognition, and related factors. The results revealed that all 8 cases possess pedagogical values identification and pedagogical values cognition to variant degree, and there were four factors intervening in the process of their pedagogical values identification, including inherent values, authority, context and personal taste. The pedagogical values cognition also intervened in the process of their pedagogical values identification. Combine values teaching in mathematics teacher education with pedagogical values cognition, student teachers’ value structure should be expanded in depth and width. It hinted that the aspect of affect of professional development of teachers could be developed. Using values cognition in the process of pedagogical values identification did help knowing better about how student teachers identify and practice, and the relation. As a result, values cognition was a element worth considering seriously in value-related research. There might develop some levels of values cognition and prompt values identification to change with advanced the role playing by values cognition. Finally, the study results might be used to help mathematics teacher educators to plan suitable educational programs and values teaching for more depth and width of student teachers’ value structure and more reflection on teaching to enrich self. To hope the professional development of teachers not only arising in the amount of mathematics knowledge, but also in the depth and width of student teachers’ value structure.



教學價值, 價值認同, 價值認知, 價值教學, Pedagogical values, Values identification, Values cognition, Values teaching





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