

自古以來,人類與動物的互動關係是隨著對動物習性的瞭解而產生不同的對待方式。近年來,以動物倫理、動物法律為題的論文,偶而出現,但是對於教科書中人與動物互動的探究則尚無,因此本研究以內容分析法並輔以座談方式,探討三家出版社-康軒、翰林、南一,九年一貫教科書中人與動物互動的內容。 研究者審視375本教科書,歸納「人與動物」互動共四類,人與飼養動物、動物園、人與野生動物、其他。 人與飼養動物內容主要在買賣、照顧、流浪動物、工具化與娛樂化、飼養小型野生動物。人與野生動物內容則包括狩獵、餵食或設置餵食器等刻意營造、棲息地、自然物收集等。動物園因涉及到圈養野生動物與非野生動物,因此特別與前二者區分,至於其他則從研究發現中,再次區分成生物科技、實驗動物、人與食物三項。 研究發現四大類中以人與野生動物內容出現次數最多,其中人與野生動物又以棲息地類出現最多次;人與飼養動物內容則是照顧類出現次數最多,動物園及其他則零星分佈於各領域中。此外,三家出版社相較下,以翰林版所出現的次數最多,但是人與動物互動內容出現最多次,並不代表其內容全然正確。 因此,本研究期望給予教科書編輯者以及國立編譯館在進行相關人與動物互動教材內容編製時,可多探討議題背後的原因及根本解決之道。
The interaction between humans and animals evolved through the better understanding of behavior and physiology knowledge toward animals. Thesis on animal ethics and animal legislations appears occasionally in these years while not yet touch on the very subject from textbooks. The study was aim to uncover this field via content analysis and focus group meeting methods. Textbooks were sampling from grade 1-9 curriculum, Kang Hsuan, Han Lin, and Nan Yi three textbook publishers. 375 textbooks were reviewed and assorted into four categorizations of interaction between humans and animals: pet and farm animals, zoo animals, wildlife and others. Pet and farm animals were including sub-subjects such as purchase and sell, rear, homeless animals, implement usage, entertainment and captive small-scaled wildlife. Category wildlife was including hunting, feeding wildlife, habitat and bio-resources collecting. Subject zoo was distinguished from above due to covering both wildlife and non-wildlife captivity. Category others was again divided into biotech, lab animals, and food-supplement animals. Result shows wildlife appeared mostly with the highest percentage of habitat among four categories in our survey, followed by pet and farm animals with its highest percentage of rear. Human-animal interaction contents were appeared mostly in Han Lin’s textbooks compared with three publishers but not necessary indicate their contents were correct. We conclude that the NIST (National Institute for Compilation and Translation)and textbook publishers should investigate the ground and its resolution of such founding before further textbooks compile on human-animal issues.



人與動物, 九年一貫課程, 教科書, Human-animal, Grade 1-9 cirriculum, Textbook





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