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We present a simple numerical method to investigate the electronic properties of a three-dimensional quantum dot array model formed by di erent size vertically aligned quantum dots. The corresponding Schr¨odin-ger equation is discretized using the finite di erence method with a constant electron mass and confinement potential. The scheme is 2nd order accurate and converges extremely fast. In this paper, we propose numerical schemes to compute the energy levels of various QDA structures and research the existence of the anti-crossing and crossing eigencurve for QDA formed by two disk-shaped co-axial QDs with different size.
We present a simple numerical method to investigate the electronic properties of a three-dimensional quantum dot array model formed by di erent size vertically aligned quantum dots. The corresponding Schr¨odin-ger equation is discretized using the finite di erence method with a constant electron mass and confinement potential. The scheme is 2nd order accurate and converges extremely fast. In this paper, we propose numerical schemes to compute the energy levels of various QDA structures and research the existence of the anti-crossing and crossing eigencurve for QDA formed by two disk-shaped co-axial QDs with different size.
有限差分法, 薛丁格方程式, 能階, 十字特徵曲線, 反十字特徵曲線, 量子點陣列, Finite dierence method, The Schr¨odinger equation, Energy states, crossing eigencurve, anti-crossing eigencurve, quantum dot array