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台灣四周環海,但政府遷台後長期以陸地思維治國,公民教育普遍缺乏寬廣的海洋視野。自2006年行政院公布「海洋政策白皮書」,教育部亦於2007年公布「海洋教育政策白皮書」,並於2008年公布國民中小學海洋教育課程綱要(簡稱海洋課綱)、於2011年實施,確定我國海洋教育的方向。然而現行海洋課綱是否與先進國家海洋教育主軸接軌、是否足以提昇未來公民完整的海洋素養?本研究探討海洋教育及海洋素養之基本精神與範疇,作為未來增修之參考。研究方法採文件分析及訪談,比較包括聯合國教科文組織及國際海洋先進國家之海洋教育目標,以及美國海洋與大氣總署之「海洋素養」(Ocean Literacy)等綱要,檢視台灣現行海洋課綱之脈絡與優缺點;並輔以中小學教師與海洋及教育專家之深度訪談進行分析。研究結果顯示,我國現行海洋課綱,較偏重海洋文化、休閒及海洋資源利用,較缺乏海洋整全知能的主軸精神貫穿而致內容較為零碎;對於以海洋科學為基礎、海洋永續發展為目標的整體海洋素養則仍顯不足。本研究參考國際海洋教育精神與「海洋素養」,提出建立連結海洋與人、培養適應全球變遷的未來公民之海洋課綱,以海洋對人類社會與文化所造成影響、自然界中的海洋、海洋的永續發展、海洋中的生物與其棲息環境、及探索未知海洋為海洋教育五大主軸之課綱具體內容建議,以期台灣的學生能夠得到更完整的海洋素養與能力。
Although Taiwan is an island, owing to the mindset of continental land-based immigrants, the citizens and education systems have ignored ocean for long time and lack of relevant knowledge and visions. Until 2006, the first Ocean Policy White Paper was published by government; then the Ministry of Education announced the Ocean Education Policy White Paper in 2007, the following curriculum guideline for Marine Education in primary and secondary school was set in 2008 and carried out in 2011. However, does the curriculum guideline consist of comprehensive ocean literacy for future citizens? This paper presents a comparison study of visions and goals among the international ocean education development based on the relevant documents from UNESCO, USA NOAA’s Ocean Literacy, etc., and the present curriculum guidelines of Taiwan’s marine education. In order to further understand the issues and practices on the current curriculum guidelines, in-depth interviews on school teachers and experts are also applied. The results indicate that the emphasis of present curriculum guidelines seem more emphasize the culture and the use of marine resources, than a comprehensive understanding of ocean as a holistic dynamic system; the guideline has not yet covered a full spectrum of ocean literacy based on science and sustainability. The recommendations on an amended guideline from this study was provided aiming to connect better for people and ocean, and to prepare future citizens with a better understanding, mindful and adaptive capacities toward ocean and global changes.



海洋教育, 未來公民, 海洋素養, 海洋課綱, 海洋政策, Ocean education, future citizen, marine education curriculum guideline, ocean literacy, Ocean Policy

