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本研究將已經開發完成的微型氣相層析儀應用於半導體無塵室以及工業區鄰近鄉鎮地區8個採樣點,同時與國立臺灣大學職業工業安全與職業衛生系合作將儀器架設於車上成為可移動式監測站。利用微型氣相層析儀進行現場有機氣體之即時連續分析並於半導體無塵室時利用不鏽鋼採樣筒採樣8個小時,於鄉鎮地區8個採樣點使用不鏽鋼採樣筒以及吸附管並且採樣1天後送至工業技術研究院以氣相層析質譜儀分析進行定性及定量,並提供比對。 本研究結果顯示,微型氣相層析儀分析出的有機化合物可呈現濃度隨時間變化之趨勢,在無塵室的部份,我們分離出六種有機氣體,濃度0.8 ppb到343.9 ppb,在鄉鎮地區監測部分,我們選擇了五種重要氣體做分析,濃度0.05 ppb到8.2 ppb,透過微型氣相層析儀於短時間可以分析大量的數據並提供人員作統計分析,協助追溯其氣體原因。
This research used a ready-to-use and highly reliable instrument , micro gas chromatograph,(μGC),for rapid and complex environmental volatile organic compounds (VOCs) analysis in a semiconductor fabrication cleanroom and 8 sampling site of 2 township near the complex plants. In this site, canisters and stainless adsorption tube were collected and analyzed by GC-MS to provide the side by side comparisons. Field study results indicated the trend of concentrations for all chemical species. For first site, semiconductor fabrication clean room, we separated 6 compounds and the concentration ranges of chemical species from 0.8 ppb to 343.9 ppb. For second site, 8 sampling sites near the complex plants, we separated 5 compounds and the ranges from 0.05 ppb to 8.2 ppb. This study demonstrates that micro gas chromatograph can provide fast and continuous analysis for complex VOCs in field study. This research also can identified and traced back to their emission reasons.



微型氣相層析儀, 揮發性有機物, 即時分析, micro gas chromatograph, volatile organic compounds, real-time analysis

