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The purpose of this study is to examine verbal irony in Jane Austen’s work Pride and Prejudice and the effectiveness of verbal irony in different translations. This thesis begins by looking into the biography and social background of Austen, and then invokes the Relevance Theory developed by Sperber and Wilson to discuss the definition and utilization of verbal irony in communication. Then the study draws on Yus’ Model of Contextual Activation to analyze specific instances of verbal irony, and understand the various signals of activation in the context. The results are used as criteria to examine the effectiveness of four translations. The study concludes that the more contextual signals are activated, the better the understanding and performance of the translators. In terms of different types of text in the book, it is discovered that verbal irony in dialogues are more adequately translated, whereas verbal irony in author’s narration are often missed or misunderstood. It is advised that future translation of the work take further notice regarding the understanding and expression of verbal irony.



珍.奧斯汀, 傲慢與偏見, 反諷言辭, 關聯理論, 語境啟動模型, 翻譯分析, Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, verbal irony, Relevance Theory, Model of Contexual Activation, translation analysis

