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Department of Chinese, NTNU


White Snake Legend "is a wide-spread folk story The attractiveness of this story is the intense ambivalent human emotionsabout love. Through the time, this dramatic story always serves as a favoriate archetype for literary authors, They transform the "White Snake Legend" archetype into various presentations with their different interpretations. Therefore, the main hero and heroine Pai Niang-tzu (白娘子), Hsu Hsuan (許宣), Fa Hai (法海) are presented with multiple characteristics in different versions. I would like analyse this multiple interpretations of characters in a psychological perspective and lead my readers to explore the myth in "White Snake Legend." My analysis will concentrate on the "myth structure" of "white snake Legend" From "White Snake Legend" archytype, I find the the juxtaposition of several self-contraditory elements in this story is the main fascination for readers. Goodness and evil, love and hatred, fear and fancy dramatize the plot and also reveal human complex emotions. In "White Snake Legend", the monk, Fa Hai (法海) and snake evil spirit, Pai Niang-tzu (白娘子), Symbolize this human ambivalence. Two opposite emotion always conflict with each other. The conflict shows human's myth about snake, myth about love, and myth about religion. Different writers make different changes on the descriptions of plots and characters and create their own "White Snake" stories. Those changes, in some ways, help us observe human's ambivalent emotions about religion, love and desire. Hsu Hsuan (許宣, who always oscillates between Fa Hai (法海) and Pai Niang-tzu (白娘子), represents the ambiguity of human emotions. The myth structure will provide a clue to look into human intricate complex in "White Snake Legend".


