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本文以洞山良价相關之公案為研究主題。洞山良价為曹洞宗開山祖師,他嗣法於雲巖曇晟後傳曹山本寂與雲居道膺,其法嗣雲居道膺將曹洞宗傳至日本。本文從洞山良价師承出發,討論其先後所參學之禪師。並觀察洞山良价禪法特點,分析其所承繼之〈寶鏡三昧〉與其所創之「偏正五位」思想。  洞山禪法於晚唐頗為興盛,故其所流傳公案眾多。本文以開悟前所參悟之「無情說法」、悟道所作之「過水偈」以及開悟後接引學人的「洞山無寒暑」,以三則公案做為洞山良价生平中三個階段的代表。分析此三則公案意涵,討論此三則公案於後世中的傳播與詮釋。  唐五代時期「不立文字」的禪風,到了宋代禪宗逐漸轉變成不離語言,不避文字,且藉由文字語言詮釋宗門公案,作為禪者入門,啟悟學人的方式之一。宋代以來,禪師們透過重新詮解公案而產生頌古等表述形式;頌古為韻文體,闡釋公案意涵,以發明禪理。本文藉由解讀洞山公案內容,分析洞山啟悟學人的教學方式。並結合後世禪師對於洞山公案的詮解,了解洞山禪法於後世中的承繼與運用。後世禪師除結合洞山思想以進行詮釋之外,更多的是從自身胸襟頌出,闡發其獨特的詮解路徑。公案本身所具有的開放性意涵,使後代禪師可以藉此不斷的創造出更多的禪旨,並藉由此過程與禪師進行跨時空的對話,參與公案的再創造。  本文偈頌材料取自《禪宗頌古聯珠通集》以及禪師個別語錄,或具禪門法脈之燈史。如《祖堂集》為五代南唐時期編纂,與唐五代最為接近;而《景德傳燈錄》貼近於五代禪、唐代禪。  後世禪師雖已經脫離洞山公案當時的對話語境,然參學公案而至開悟最終以不同文學形式表達自身想法,參與公案意旨的再創造,觀察禪師如何進入洞山良价公案的語意脈絡之中,挖掘後世禪師對洞山良价公案的不同詮釋話語。
This dissertation studies the Dongshan Liangjie. Dongshan Liangjie was the Caodong school founder,after that he inherit from Yunyan tansheng,he pass down to Caoshan Benji and Yunju Daoying.Yunju Daoying promoted Caodong school to Japan.This paper based on Dongshan Liangjie’s teacher-student relationship observation Dongshan Liangjie’s Zen characteristic.Anaiysed “Song of the Precious Mirror Samadhi”(〈寶鏡三昧〉) and “Pianzheng wuweu shuo”.(「偏正五位」)  Dongshan Liangjie’s Zen was very flourishes in Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties,so there was many koan passed current on.This paper research that Preacheed by Insentient Beings when Dongshan Liangjie before enlightenment.And when he was enlightenment created the “Cross the water” gatha,and when after enlightenmen,he teached disciples and hand down the “without cold and heat”kaons.This paper based on this three important stage on Dongshan Liangjie’s life research koan how to spread and evolution.  Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties “Scripts free” is a Zen characteristical ,it changed to not avoid script in Song Dynasty.Song Dynasty through scripts to make disciples enlighten.Since Song Dynasty,Zen masters sunnarized and reinterpreted kona to produce literary from such as verses on old cases and comments on old cases; verses on old cases take the from of rhymes to gently elucidate the meaning of koan.This paper based on Dongshan Liangjie’s koan analysis Dongshan Liangjie Zen how to interpretation in posterity Zen masters.  The main corpus of this research is based on “Collection of Odes to Zen Ancient Lenzhu Koans” and Zen master’s motto; and the personal quotation of Zen masters and the record from various Zen sects.As for Tang Zen, the first lantern collection complied in the Five Dynasties and the Southern Tang Dynasty is colsest to the “Zu Tang Ji”.On the whole of Five Dynasties of Zen Buddhism is “The Transmission of Lamp in the Era of Jinde.  This article primarily uses Dongshan Liangjie’s koan, the development of the meanings of veres on old cases and comments on old cases to observe how later Zen masters used commentary to enter the semantic contexts of lineage Dongshan Liangjie’s koan dialogue.



洞山良价, 無情說法, 過水偈, 洞山無寒暑, 曹洞宗, Dongshan Liangjie, the doctrine of insentient beings, cross the water, Dongshan without cold and heat, Caodong school

