

本研究旨在了解休閒農場校外教學的現況,並探索環境教育在休閒農場的發展情況。研究以問卷調查的方式進行,針對桃園地區,曾經參與環境教育研習的242位教師為研究對象,並發放問卷,有效回收178份,回收率為74%。 本研究結果如下: 一、在教師的背景變項方面,僅有教師兼任職務與是否利用過休閒農場進行校外教學有顯著的差異,顯示休閒農場的校外教學,已經受到學校行政主管校長以及主任的關注,並且實際參與過。 二、目前教師利用休閒農場進行的校外教學,以一日遊的校外參觀教學型式為主,校外教學的主導者有七成九是農場人員,校外教學活動內容有七成七是手工藝品製作。 三、從教師對休閒農場環境資源的認知,以及教師選擇至休閒農場進行校外教學的原因,可以發現教師對休閒農場的教育資源是抱持肯定的態度,而其運用的方式則傾向於把休閒農場的環境資源,當作是課程活動的學習材料。 四、從教師需要休閒農場以及學校與教育行政主管單位提供的環境教育協助,可以發現環境教育的專業人員以及提供人員(老師、家長、志工)協助,是教師利用休閒農場進行環境教育最主要的需求。
The main purpose of this study is to explore the present situation of field trips held in leisure farms, and how environmental education is developing in leisure farms. The methodology of this study is based on questionnaire survey focusing on 242 teachers in Tao Yuan country who have participated in environmental education workshops. 178 valid questionnaires were retrieved, the retrieve rate being 74 percent. Results of this study: 1. Investigating background variables, only two variants show significant difference: the part-time administrative positions a subject holds, and whether or not the subject had experience of holding field trips at leisure farms. This evidence shows that school administration managers such as the principle and directors have taken notice of leisure farm field trips, and have actually participated in them. 2. For the time being, most field trips held in leisure farms are designed as one-day courses. 79 percent of the main guides are staff of the farms, and 77 percent of field trip activities are hand-craft making 3. By examining the cognition of subjects toward leisure farm environmental education and the reasons subjects choose to hold field trips at leisure farms, this study found that subjects hold positive attitude toward using leisure farms as educational resource, and tend to use the environmental resource of leisure farms as material of course activities. 4. The fact that teachers need support for environmental education from leisure farms and school administration shows that the main demand of teachers for using leisure farms to proceed environmental education is assistance from environmental education professionals and human resource (such as teachers, parents and volunteers).



休閒農場, 環境教育資源, 校外教學, Leisure farm, Environmental education resources, Field trip

