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臺灣島在世代往來族群的交會下,早已是一個民族大熔爐,各族群在這幾千年來的互動下,發展出多樣的知識與文化。原住民的傳統生活智慧讓他們與自然和諧共存了數千年,足以讓處於現代環境問題漸增的世代,作為參考學習的方向。長久以來,原住民獨特的風俗文化吸引許多國內外學者的關注,留下許多研究紀錄。近年來臺灣社會對於多元文化發展與保存的意識漸增,原住民有志之士與知識份子的積極爭取,讓原住民傳統智慧與文化獲得更多社會上的了解與重視。 有鑑於原住民傳統智慧與文化研究之重要,本研究採質性研究,運用文獻分析、深度訪談、參與觀察等研究方式,對現有的文件資料與研究進行歸納與分析,研究前半段以地方活動觀察並蒐羅泰雅族Gaga (泰雅族的規範) 與Utux(泰雅族的信仰)的相關文獻,了解原住民對自然的理解以及自然資源的利用知識,型塑泰雅傳統智慧、信仰及規範與環境關連的脈絡;再透過個案研究以及深度訪談,以傳統生態知識分析層級系統,釐清宜蘭縣大同鄉崙埤部落的泰雅獵人其自然理念的學習背景脈絡與內涵,並了解現代獵人文化所面臨之傳統傳承的現況與困境,以及狩獵文化對其意義的展現。最後進行實務分析,探討原住民的獵人文化在面對現代化的挑戰,遇到哪些經濟、教育與社會組織變革影響之挑戰。 本論文於結果討論如何採用環境教育及環境政策的發展策略,將過去自生活中傳承傳統狩獵文化「從做中學」之方式,落實在現代原住民的生活中。環境教育的教學裡,欲使學習者認知到原住民的傳統智慧在自然生活體現的樣貌,結合可能的政策建議,以兼顧環境教育知識、態度與技能等三種學習向度,期望可成為往後落實環境教育在多元文化面向實踐之參考,並使原住民文化主體性與自明性能有所提升。強調各部落內聚力的提升與凝聚,建議參考各地曾擬定的部落公約,使原住民自治法實施之前,地區已有建立共識及地方自治的經驗與概念。
Taiwan’s aboriginal history was not well developed in written forms, but occurred in an “oral form” from collective memories. It is necessary to trace the cultural roots of indigenous people’s environmental concepts of ecological knowledge and wisdom. In this thesis, the main purpose is to explore the indigenous Atayal aborigine’s traditional cultural concepts - Gaga (Gaya; moral rules) and Utux (Rutux; faith), which have been constructed their environmental concepts. Figuring out the comparison between environmental education’s concept and theory from those traditional taboo, moral rules, or concepts, a final detection of construction of the basic connection between those thinking would be formed. This study performs by the qualitative data collection and analysis due to the importance of traditional wisdom and culture. Using the concepts of “Traditional Ecological Knowledge” and “Resource Management System” to figure out how these traditional concepts have been built up in Atayal people life, and how these indigenous Atayal hunters could devote their skills in culture maintenance in order to find their roots. This study concluded that a close connection between aboriginal ecological knowledge and tribal wisdoms could be conducted from the perspectives of environmental education, planning, and policies. A final discussion about aboriginal future has been narrated their identities with the possibilities to carry them out in some better ways from knowledge, attitude, and environmental-friendly behaviors. To inherit aboriginal hunting culture, the first step is to develop local people’s consensus, recommend to empower local people of setting their “Local Convention” toward self-governence, and emphasized the importance of strengthen aboriginal people’s identities from cultural, educational, and policy’s reforms.



原住民, 泰雅族, 傳統規範, 傳統智慧傳承, 環境教育, aborigine, Atayal, Gaga (Gaya) and Utux (Rutux) taboo, ecological knowledge and wisdom, environmental education

