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本校圖書館藏書豐富,除了本部圖書館外,分部理學院圖書館西文藏書現有13萬餘冊,西文期刊合訂本有911餘種期刊,將近約3萬冊。此外,西文現期期刊約450種,涵蓋化學、生化、生物科技、材料及其他科學類等領域。目前本系各研究室連接校園網路,將館藏查詢、圖書流通、期刊目錄轉載等功能,納入圖書館資訊系統中,並提供多種光碟資料庫之檢索及線上資料庫如Science Citation Index,Chemical Citation Index,Chemical Abstracts,Beilstein,MDL資料庫與STICNET全國科技資訊網路之查詢。



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    (2020) 李尉賑; Lee, Wei-Chen
    本研究成功製備具中孔洞性的有機無機混合材料,用於光催化水分解及染料降解。此材料為二維單層奈米片其組成為CdSe(en)0.5 (en: H2NCH2CH2NH2),藉由硫化鈉 (0.1M-0.3 M) 在暗處與照光下進行結構中Se, N取代反應,發生科肯德爾效應 (Kirkendall effect) 以達化學修飾法之目的,並產生2-8 nm之中孔洞。此高表面積 (30-60 m2/g) 之中孔洞材料,可有效進行水分解產氫 (HER) 及染料降解等光催化反應,發現硫取代比例影響其催化活性,並以元素分析 (EA, ICP-OES)、電子顯微鏡、X光吸收與繞射技術 (XAS, XRD) 進行奈米材料結構及性質分析,探討其催化活性增強之因素。 另一方面藉由路易斯酸 (氯化鐵、氯化銦) 進行CdSe(en)0.5改質,透過路易斯酸與CdSe(en)0.5中en的胺基配位,使材料結晶結構由Pbca空間群轉變為纖鋅礦結構,形成多層二維無機材料,並透過元素分析、電子顯微鏡、X光吸收與繞射技術 (XAS, XRD) 進行材料結構轉變解析
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    Sharp Infrared Emission from Single-Crystalline Indium Nitride Nanobelts Prepared Using Guided-Stream Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition
    (Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2006-03-01) M.-S. Hu; W.-M. Wang; T.-T. Chen; L.-S. Hong; C.-W. Chen; Chia-Chun Chen; Y.-F. Chen; K.-H. Chen; L.-C. Chen
    Single-crystalline InN nanobelts have been synthesized using Au as the catalyst by a guided-stream thermal chemical vapor deposition technique. The resultant InN nanobelts typically have widths ranging from 20 to 200 nm, a width to thickness ratio of 2–10, and lengths of up to several tens of micrometers. Structural analysis shows that these InN nanobelts have a wurtzite structure and exhibit a rectangular cross section with self-selective facets, i.e., the nanobelts are enclosed only by ± (001) and ± (11?0) planes with [110] being the exclusive growth direction along their long axis. This facet selectivity can be understood by the differences in the surface energies of the different facets. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra of InN nanobelts show a sharp infrared emission peak at 0.76 eV with a full width at half maximum of 14 meV, narrower than the values reported for InN epilayers. The integrated PL intensity is found to increase linearly with the excitation power, which suggests that the observed PL can be attributed to direct band-to-band emission.
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    Nanohomojunction (GaN) and nanoheterojunction (InN) nanorods on one-dimensional GaN nanowire substrates
    (Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2004-03-01) Z.-H. Lan; C.-H. Liang; C.-W. Hsu; C.-T. Wu; H.-M. Lin; S. Dhara; K.-H. Chen; L.-C. Chen; Chia-Chun Chen
    The formation of homojunctions and heterojunctions on two-dimensional (2D) substrates plays a key role in the device performance of thin films. Accelerating the progress of device fabrication in nanowires (NWs) also necessitates a similar understanding in the one-dimensional (1D) system. Nanohomojunction (GaN on GaN) and nanoheterojunction (InN on GaN) nanorods (NRs) were formed in a two-step growth process by a vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) mechanism. Ga2O3 nanoribbons were formed using Ni as catalyst in a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique and then completely converted to GaN NWs with NH3 as reactant gas. An Au catalyst is used in the second step of the VLS process to grow GaN and InN NRs on GaN NWs using CVD techniques. A morphological study showed the formation of nanobrushes with different structural symmetries and sub-symmetries in both homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Structural characterizations showed nearly defect-free growth of nanohomojunction (GaN) and nanoheterojunction (InN) NRs on 1D GaN NW substrates.