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    (行政院國家科學委員會, 2000-07-31) 毛松霖; 張俊彥
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    問題解決為基礎之電腦輔助教材發展研究---中等學校地球科學 (I)
    (行政院國家科學委員會, 1998-07-31) 張俊彥
    本研究計劃的主要目的為:(一)將今年度研究開發所得的地球科學電腦輔助教材,在一所高中進行實驗性教學研究(Pilot Study),來探究其在學生學習成就與態度上的影響。實驗性教學研究將同時採用質與量的研究方法:量的方面將採用「問卷調查法」與「靜態組比較」之研究設計,質的方面將採用「半結構式晤談」之研究方法,來深究學生對此電腦輔助教材的觀感;(二)經由上述實驗性教學研究所得回饋,修正改良此「問題解決」策略為基礎的地球科學電腦輔助教材;同時發展出與本研究有關之地球科學單元的測驗工具,以便作為學生學習成就與態度之評量工具;(三)根據「問題解決」教學策略,繼續設計發展其他兩個單元的地球科學電腦輔助教學教材(預定內容為「造山運動與地震」及「燦爛星空」兩單元);(四)第二年的計劃為正式教學研究(Main Study),將採用準實驗研究法中「不相等控制組」之實驗設計。測驗工具採用第一年研究發展出的評量工具作為成效指標。實驗性教學研究將著重於比較:接受此「問題解決」策略為基礎的電腦輔助教材教學的學生,與未接受此份教材教學的學生,他們在學習成就與態度上的差異。最後希望藉由此研究結果,對目前中等學校在地球科學電腦輔助教材、教學及未來研究上,提出建議及改進方針。
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    中等學校地球科學「問題解決活動」之實驗教學研究 (I)
    (行政院國家科學委員會, 1998-07-31) 毛松霖; 張俊彥
    本研究計畫的重點及主要目的為:(一)根據「創造式問題解決」的教學模型,設計八個有關地球科學的教學單元,且以試教實驗教學研究方式運用在中等學校地球科學課堂上,來幫助修正改良此「創造式問題解決」的教學策略;使其更適用於目前的國內中等學校地球科學課。(二)經由深入的文獻探討、並由試教實驗教學所得回饋、及國內外現有測量工具,設計並發展出有關評量「問題解決」的三種工具,其中包括:(1)高層次思考能力量表-參考Bloom's Taxonomy所分類的應用、分析、評鑑等階層;同時根據Biggs & Collis研究所得的SOLO Taxonomy評量方法,來評量學生在高層次思考能力的測驗工具;(2)科學過程技能量表-包含問題覺知、觀察、解釋資料、及形成假設等科學過程能力的評量工具;(3)對科學的能度之量表,以便作為地球科學學生在有關「問題解決」方面的指標及評量工具。(三)將研究所得改良式「創造式問題解決」的教學策略,同時配合研究發展所得有關「問題解決」的評量工具;運用準實驗研究法的「不相等控制組」之實驗設計來驗證其成效。研究結果不但可提供中等學校,在改進地球科學教材及教法上一些重要訊息;同時幫助科學教育研究者及科學教師在「問題解決」的領域中,有更深層的瞭解及學習如何實際在課堂上應用「問題解決」的教學策略。同時希望藉由此研究結果,作為未來設計遠距教學及用於資訊網路上互動「問題解決」教學各方面的基礎。
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    The idea storming cube: Evaluating the effects of using game and computer agent to support divergent thinking
    (International Forum of Educational Technology and Society, 2010-12-01) Huang, C. C.; Yeh, T. K.; Li, T. Y.; Chang, C. Y.
    The objective of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of a collaborative and online brainstorming game, Idea Storming Cube (ISC), which provides users with a competitive game-based environment and a peer-like intelligent agent. The program seeks to promote students' divergent thinking to aid in the process of problem solving. The participants consisted of 72 11th grade high school students who were assigned to one of three conditions: 1) information-based (ISC[subscript info]), 2) game-based (ISC[subscript game]) and 3) game-based with peer-like intelligent agent (ISC[subscript game-agent]) conditions. The results revealed that the ISC[subscript game] and the ISC[subscript game-agent] facilitated diversified ideas in problem solving and were considered beneficial for brainstorming. Although the divergent thinking process may not transfer to problem solving results immediately, it is our hope that the empirical result can shed some lights on the development of game-based systems for collaborative learning and problem solving support. (Contains 7 tables and 8 figures.)
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    Assessing tenth-grade students' problem solving ability online in the area of earth sciences
    (Elsevier, 2007-07-01) Chang, C. Y.; Barufaldi, J. P.; Lin, M. C.; Chen, Y. C.
    This study examined tenth-grade students' (n=263) problem solving ability (PSA) online through assessing students' domain-specific knowledge (DSK) and reasoning skills (RS) in Earth sciences as well as their attitudes toward (AT) Earth sciences related topics in a secondary school of Taiwan. The students' PSA was evaluated based on a previous model (Chang, C. Y. (2004, November 26-27). Trends in assessing student earth science problem solving ability: the importance of domain-specific knowledge and reasoning skills in earth sciences. Paper presented at the Seoul Conference for International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO), Seoul, Korea; Chang, C. Y., & Barufaldi, J. P. (submitted). Does problem solving=prior knowledge+reasoning skills in science? An exploratory study. Journal of Experimental Education; Chang, C. Y., & Weng, Y. H. (2002). An exploratory study on students' problem-solving ability in earth science. International Journal of Science Education, 24(5), 441-452) which empirically established that students' PSA is a composite of DSK, RS and AT subscales. Major findings are as follows: (a) The correlation coefficient among students' DSK, RS and AT was relatively small, indicating that these subscales might have successfully represented different constructs of students' PSA; (b) a significantly positive correlation existed between students' PSA total scores and each subscale. It is, therefore, suggested that students' PSA may be potentially assessed online by measuring their essential components in the area of Earth sciences.
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    (花蓮市:中華民國科學教育學會, 2002-06-01) 吳佳玲; 張俊彥
    本研究之目的在編製地球科學「問題解決能力測驗」及「先備知識測驗」等量表,並藉此兩工具及現有之推理能力相關測驗,探究目前高中學生之問題解決能力與其先備知識及推理能力間的關係。研究者依據「創造性問題解決」的模式,設計以地球科學為學科背景脈絡的「問題解決能力測驗」,其中包含「發散性思考」與「收斂性思考」兩向度。此外,亦針對此「問題解決能力測驗」所需之先備知識而編製對應之「先備知識測驗」,其中並包含「學生對問題解決能力測驗」喜歡程度之1題單選題。本研究以台灣東部某國立高中一年級學生為研究對象,有效樣本共260人。研究設計採用相關研究法及半結構武的晤談。量的資料分析主要採皮爾遜積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析法,質性資料則經由編碼與三角校正後進行分析,以進一步了解學生對「問題解決能力測驗」及「先備知識測驗」的看法與觀感。研究結果如下:一、研究工具之「問題解決能力測驗」總分與「發散思考」(r=.814,p<.001)及「收斂思考」向度(r=.898,p<.001)均有高度相關,且評分者信度達.813~.965。「先備知識測驗」之信度KR20介於.60至.63之間;二、學生問題解決能力與其先備知識(r=.482,p<.01)及推理能力(r=.435,p<.01)間均接近顯著之中度正相關及大的效果量(effect size),且「先備知識」、「推理能力」及「對問題解決的態度」對「問題解決能力」有顯著的預測力(解釋率達R2=.343),而「先備知識」與「推理能力」對「發散思考」和「收斂思考」亦有顯著的預測力(解釋率達R2=.172~.332),接近或具有大的效果量;三、推理能力與「發散思考」間有大的效果量的關係,而先備知識與「收斂思考」間亦有接近大的效果量的關係;四、晤談後發現學生認為「先備知識測驗」須仰賴「知識」、「態度」、「經驗」的多寡,而「問題解決能力測驗」則須「知識」、「態度」、「思考」與「經驗」的完備,其結果與量的分析頗為一致。據此,我們認為高中學生先備知識及推理能力的增強,應有助於提升他們在地球科學上的問題解決能力。尤其在「發散思考」上更應著重在「推理能力」的培養,而「收斂思考」應更強調「先備知識」的建立。
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    A problem-solving based computer-assisted tutorial for the earth sciences
    (Wiley, 2001-09-01) Chang, C. Y.
    This study investigated the effects of a Problem-Solving based Computer-Assisted Tutorial (PSCAT) on earth science achievement and attitudes toward earth science of tenth graders (16-year olds) in a senior high school in Taiwan. A total of 137 students who were enrolled in four earth science classes participated in this pre-test/post-test control-group experiment. The experimental groups received the PSCAT; whereas the comparison groups received a Lecture-Internet-Discussion (LID) teaching approach. A multivariate analysis of covariance on the post-test scores of the Earth Science Achievement Test and Attitudes Toward Earth Science Inventory, with students' pre-test scores as the covariates, suggested that PSCAT produced (almost) significantly greater gains on students' earth science achievement than did the LID approach and that no statistically significant increase or decrease in student attitudes toward earth science was found for either group.
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    (花蓮市:中華民國科學教育學會, 2000-12-01) 張俊彥; 董家莒