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    (行政院國家科學委員會, 2010-07-31) 陳家俊; 蘇五洲; 陳玉如; 張瑛芝; 陳進勛; 林俊成; 吳登強; 巫坤品; 許聞廉
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    (行政院國家科學委員會, 2012-07-31) 陳家俊
    發展新型態合金金屬奈米晶體的催化劑對於未來燃料電池商品化是相當重要的一個步驟。在這個研究中,我們成功利用簡單的置換反應,發展出陽離子與奈米粒子發生離子交換反應,此新奇方法能夠合成含有Fe,Ru與Pt一系列之多重合金奈米晶體,並且進而由X光吸收光譜來確定其奈米粒子中所進行陽離子交換反應之機制,從EXAFS數據分析來了解其三合金奈米晶體之結構及表面組成。在觸媒催化活性之測試中,我們發現三合金Fe35Pt40Ru25, Fe31Pt40Ru29,以及 Fe17Pt40Ru43奈米晶體作為陽極觸媒,其主要對甲醇氧化過程中所產生之CO毒化有極佳的解毒能力。同時我們發現Fe31Pt40Ru29奈米晶體有最高的合金程度時,對於甲醇氧化產生最高之氧化電流以及最低的氧化起始電位。最後,我們利用density functional theory來建構出此三合金奈米晶體對於CO解毒之模型,來了解其三合金電子Fe31Pt40Ru29從3d 過度金屬傳遞到Pt的情形大於二合金FePt或PtRu,較大的電子傳遞量會導致減弱Pt-CO的鍵結,進而降低CO的毒化現象。最終,我們希望利用這樣一個簡單的反應對於尋找新型態並具有高催化性的奈米晶體可以大大降低貴金屬Pt or Ru的使用量,這對於燃料電池的發展是相當的重要的一環,而本篇工作將發表於JACS期刊。
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    (行政院國家科學委員會, 2014-09-30) 陳家俊; 李百祺
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    (行政院衛生署, 2012-05-31) 陳家俊
    生物及醫學上之影像試劑在全球市場上趨近於七十億美元市場,且每年有10-15%的成長;而本計畫研究的目標是以功能化奈米材料為基礎,發展當今於生物及醫學常用之影像試劑,並進一步建立更精準之影像顯示技術平台,甚至整合具強化製療功能之助劑;我們將基於現有已經測試成功的研究成果,開發成新型顯影劑與診療一體製劑,並與在此一年的研究計畫時程內,期望建立符合FDA Pre-clinical及 Phase I實驗標準為方向,最後希望落實基礎研究產業化之政策目標,成功的技術移轉,促進國家生技業之發展。 本計畫之未來將進行之研發工作,主要分為下列幾個步驟: (一) 開發新型材料作為影像試劑,在此計畫中共有三項主要在材料上的發展方向: (a) 合成以合金金屬奈米粒子為基礎之分子標靶CT/MRT或光學雙重或三重顯影劑,以及敏化放射線感受性之輔助治療佐劑。 (b) 量產以奈米鑽石為基礎之螢光標定試劑。 (c) 延續前兩期奈米計畫之成果,量產以磁性奈米材料作為快速DNA配對/分離/篩選儀之試劑。 (二) 設計具標靶性之分子影像試劑 等待材料之基本性質測試完成,我們將結合適體 (aptamer) 與新穎奈米材料來開發可用於電腦斷層掃描與核磁共振造影或光學影像的精靈顯影劑,以分子造影方法從事癌症的偵測、分期、預後、療效評估、復發監測等一系列肺癌診斷與治療的處理。適體為核酸分子,可依序列不同而形成許多穩定的結構並如同抗體一般可專一地與其特定標的物結合。我們可藉由此計畫的執行建立藥物研發的動物試驗平台。新技術的發明將使本團隊擁有獨特工具與競爭力,有益於加速完成此項計畫,並有助於發展新的診斷技術、治療方法與藥劑。 (三) 影像試劑體外測試及體內測試之實驗資料建立 將以上述之奈米材料做為基礎,製作標靶性之試劑,測試體內毒性測試、血溶性測試、生物毒性測試及生物分佈性,而這些步驟,也將遵循FDA等相關規定來進行,最後,我們將進行大量之In Vitro之動物實驗,評估成為Phase I之所需相關實驗,並尋求國外大廠之合作可能性。 (四)開發商業化可供應生物與醫學基礎研究上的產品 我們計畫初步由上一期之計畫所建立之基礎逐步發展。以FDA所建立之顯影試劑標準作為設計實驗上之參考,並試量產目前在研究實驗室內有需求之奈米材料,且開發其在生物與醫學基礎研究上用途;而下一步驟為進一步開發動物用之CT、MRI或光學顯影劑,並與現有製藥業業界合作,將量產化之材料轉變成最後商業化之試劑。 在整體產業面未來發展來看,CT及MRI顯影試劑及螢光分子標定之需求,全球每年均以10-15%在成長,而未來分子影像顯影試劑,預計將成為早期癌症上的偵測輔助利器,我們相信利用合金金屬或單一金屬物奈米材料之影試劑,具有其之物理化學上特殊優勢(例如: 表面修飾相較現有單一有機金屬之試劑較為容易),評估未來產業化之可行性是相當高。本計畫結合中研院、大學及二家教學醫院之資源,在相關資源整合上,已經完成分工及研究團隊建立。比較一般世界各研究單位在做相關生醫之研發上,在整合資源上與台灣較為困難;我們相信此團隊之研發成果,將可逐步落實到產業上。
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    (行政院國家科學委員會, 2011-07-31) 陳家俊; 許聞廉; 陳進勛; 陳玉如; 張瑛芝; 林俊成; 吳登強; 蘇五洲; 巫坤品
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    Photothermal cancer therapy via femtosecond-laser-excited FePt nanoparticles
    (Elsevier, 2013-01-01) C.-L. Chen; L.-R. Kuo; S.-Y. Lee; Y.-K. Hwu; S.-W. Chou; Chia-Chun Chen; F.-H. Chang; K.-H. Lin; D.-H. Tsai; Y.-Y. Chen
    FePt nanoparticles (NPs) have recently been revealed to be significant multifunctional materials for the applications of biomedical imaging, drug delivery and magnetic hyperthermia due to their novel magnetic properties. In this study, a newly discovered photothermal effect activated by the near infrared (NIR) femtosecond laser for FePt NPs was demonstrated. The threshold laser energy to destroy cancer cells was found to be comparable to that of gold nanorods (Au NRs) previously reported. Through the thermal lens technique, it was concluded that the temperature of the FePt NPs can be heated up to a couple of hundreds degree C in picoseconds under laser irradiation due to the excellent photothermal transduction efficiency of FePt NPs. This finding boosts FePt NPs versatility in multifunctional targeted cancer therapy.
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    Enhanced performance of photodetector and photovoltaic based on carrier reflector and back surface field generated by doped graphene
    (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2012-08-13) C.-W. Chang; D.-Y. Wang; W.-C. Tan; I-S. Huang; I-S. Wang; Chia-Chun Chen; Y.-J. Yang; Y.-F. Chen
    We report the influence of carrier reflector and back surface field generated by dopedgraphene on n-ZnO nanoridges/p-silicon photodetectors and silicon solar cells. It is found that the p-type graphene not only acts as an electron blocking layer, but also helps the collection of photogenerated holes. Quite surprisingly, the on/off ratio of the photodetector with the insertion of dopedgraphene can be increased by up to 40 times. Moreover, we demonstrate that typical silicon solar cells with the dopedgraphene, the cell efficiency can be enhanced by about 20%. Our approach would expand numerous applications for graphene-based optoelectronic devices.
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    FeS2 Nanocrystal Ink as a Catalytic Electrode for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
    (Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2013-06-24) Y.-C. Wang; D.-Y. Wang; Y.-T. Jiang; H.-A. Chen; Chia-Chun Chen; K.-C. Ho; - H.-L. Chou; Chun-Wei Chen
    Calligraphic counter electrodes: An important photovoltaic application using FeS2 nanocrystal (NC) pyrite ink to fabricate a counter electrode as an alternative to Pt in dye-sensitized solar cells is demonstrated. FeS2 NC ink exhibits excellent electrochemical catalytic activity and remarkable electrochemical stability. ITO=indium-doped tin oxide.
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    Surfactant-Directed Synthesis of Ternary Nanostructures: Nanocubes, Polyhedrons, Octahedrons, and Nanowires of PtNiFe.Their Shape-Dependent Oxygen Reduction Activity.
    (American Chemical Society, 2012-07-10) S.-W. Chou; J.-J. Shyue; C.-H. Chien; Chia-Chun Chen; Y.-Y. Chen; P.-T. Chou
    We report a rational method for preparation of ternary alloy (PtNiFe) nanocrystals with various shapes. PtNiFe nanocubes, polyhedrons, and octahedrons are prepared via fine-tuning the alloy compositions and surfactants, so that the crystal facet–surfactant bindings on the growth seed can be well controlled. Nanowires grow in the cylindrical template built via high concentrations of oleylamine. In the electrocatalysis examination, it appears that the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activities of all PtNiFe nanostructures outperform that of commercial Pt catalyst in the electrolyte of HClO4 or H2SO4. In HClO4, the order of ORR activity is as follows: octahedrons ≈ nanowires > polyhedrons > nanocubes. PtNiFe nanostructures enclosed by a (111) plane, such as octahedrons and nanowires, give the highest ORR activities. Conversely, in H2SO4, the ORR activity of PtNiFe nanocubes enclosed by {100} facets is the highest among these nanostructures. The ORR activity increases in the order of nanowires ≈ octahedrons < polyhedrons, establishing a shape dependency in the ORR activity, which is valuable upon performing nanocatalysis in fuel cells.
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    Low operation voltage macromolecular composite memory assisted by graphene nanoflakes
    (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013-01-21) Y.-C. Lai; D.-Y. Wang; I-S. Huang; Y.-T. Chen; Y.-H. Hsu; T.-Y. Lin; H.-F. Meng; T.-C. Chang; Y.-J. Yang; Chia-Chun Chen; F.-C. Hsu; Y.-F. Chen
    The trend towards simple and low-cost processing is one of the most important for macromolecular memory development. Here, bistable memory devices using a solution-processable active material, a mixture of graphene nanoflakes (GNFs) and insulating poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), are investigated, which serve as the first example for the direct integration of as-prepared nanoscale graphene into macromolecular memory devices through a one-step low-temperature processing method. Bistable electrical switching behavior and nonvolatile rewritable memory effects are realized by using an indium–tin-oxide/GNF–PVA/silver (ITO/GNF–PVA/Ag) sandwich structure. The resulting device exhibits low operation voltages of +1.4 V (turn-on) and −1.3 V (turn-off), which is promising for memory cells with low power consumptions. The programmable ON- and OFF-states possess a retention time of over 104 s and endure up to 107 read pulses. The carrier transport in the OFF- and ON-states follows the typical trap-limited space charge limited current and Ohmic laws, respectively. The asymmetric electrical switch behavior is therefore attributed to conducting filaments formed in the PVA layer assisted by the charged GNFs that induce the transition of the conductivity. Our study provides a potential approach for integrating as-prepared graphene into macromolecular memory devices with excellent performances through a simple solution-process.