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Item 1970-1990年代美濃客家人移民南美洲動機與跨國認同 ──以巴西、阿根廷為例(2014) 林彥瑜; LIN YEN YU「有海水的地方就有華人,有華人的地方就有客家人」。在華人移民史上無論是下南洋,還是前往美洲大陸,總是有客家人的身影。1949年中華民國政府遷往臺灣,為臺灣地區帶來大量人口,造成1950年後,臺灣地區除了人口急速增長問題外,尚存在著高失業率、食糧不足問題,促使當時臺灣地區官方與民間皆發出移民他國的聲浪。當時中南美洲國家因需農工專業人士開發當地,故向中華民國發出歡迎移民訊息,使得當時臺灣地區有不少人民移往中南美洲,尤其以移往南美洲的巴西、阿根廷人數最多。 本論文以高雄市美濃區客家人為研究對象,探討影響當時美濃地區客家人移民巴西、阿根廷之動機為何?並探討是否因相同動機影響他們回流臺灣,亦或再度移民第三國家?並以他們移民歷程與當地各族裔相處之情況,探討其對於自身跨國認同看法。 本研究以實証研究為主要研究取向,以文獻分析法及半結構式訪談為研究方法,訪問了十二位具有代表性的美濃移民者,以其移民歷程為主要研究材料,研究影響移民之動機,以及受訪者對族裔及國家之認同。研究結果發現,影響美濃地區客家人選擇移民南美洲最重要的因素是經濟因素;另一個重要因素是原居住國家的社會安全度;此外,已有親人移居巴西、阿根廷也是影響移民動機的另一個重要因素。再移民及回流動機則會受到南美洲國家經濟不穩定因素及社會安全度影響。在跨國認同方面,美濃人最認同「客家」身份,並因此項認同而影響其跨國認同態度。Item 2007-2009年台灣地區敦煌學研究綜述(中國唐代學會, 2009-09-01) 蔡忠霖; 周西波Item 2013僑務委員會全球華文網Moodle主題式課程之設計與研發(2013-07-14) 蔡雅薰; 張于忻; 吳安璿為使教學資源能更有系統且更有效被利用,並減輕第一線教師備課壓力, 「主題式示範教學課程(以下統稱主題課程)架構」由是而生。經過 100 年度依 語言級次製訂主題式課程架構及初步課名,並產出 24 門指標課程後,於 101 年 度繼續依照架構開發對應主題之課程。本文將介紹依據全球華文網主題式課程架 構賡續設計,以〈安弟與小甜甜〉、〈小米生活週記〉教材編寫教學內容及研發編 寫歷程,希望透過本研究的相關介紹,能夠提升海內外華語教師使用教材的廣佈 度;更甚者,希望能夠使 Moodle 主題式課程實際在海內外教學現場使用,並透 過使用回饋修改,調整為更符合教學現場使用的內容。Item 3C課程區塊研究計畫─科學論證之數位學習課程與概念改變研究(行政院國家科學委員會, 2009-07-31) 官英華本單一整合型計畫「科學論證之數位學習課程與概念改變研究」的目標,是結合科學教 育的雙重情境學習模式、論証、科學教師專業成長的理論與實務研究基礎,結合認知心理學 與多媒體學習理論、人機互動設計等理論,進而建立一個科學論證數位學習課程與環境,進 而深入研究學生的論證與概念改變情形。 為達此目的,整個研究將包含四個主軸,〈主軸一〉即為探討學生在數位學習環境的論 證與概念改變情形;〈主軸二〉為促進學生的論證與概念改變,在整個計畫中還包含研究教 師專業成長的部分,此部分除了以辦研習會方式並提供學習平台協助教師學習科學論證與概 念改變。由於科學的數位學習的課程是否可以成功,除了必須有堅固的理論基礎完成課程的 內容設計外,還有二樣非常關鍵性的因素,及分列為主軸三和四。〈主軸三〉則為人機互動 設計理論,如介面的設計是否思考使用性、有利於學習、互動性、清晰度,引發學習者有學 習動機、啟發創意,促進其科學學習效益,以人機互動的設計與使用性等因素在近二年也備 受重視。〈主軸四〉其為多媒體學習的認知理論與認知負荷論,即在設計上是否考量訊息呈 現方式對於學習者的認知負荷,這一點在近五年來備受重視。因此,此計畫將同時在科學論 證數位學習課程中融入以上二點的看法進行設計,期能提升學生的論證與概念改變。並且同 時,以本數位學習內容進而針對此二向度進行深入研究其對學生學習之影響。 本研究的貢獻將可突破目前數位學習系統研究的限制,將科學教育中的研究發現、科學 學科知識、與數位學習之人機互動的設計理論、多媒體認知心理學和認知負荷理論結合,進 而營造出提升學生科學論證的數位學習環境,並且促進學生的科學概念改變。經這樣跨領域 的理論與研究之結合,將會提升整個研究計畫的品質,同時促使本研究不論在數位學習內容 的設計品質與理論之結合度上均達到國際水準。更重要相信不僅能在論證與概念改變的研究 上有更新的突破,也能在教師專業發展上、科學數位學習之人機互動的設計、多媒體認知心 理學和認知負荷研究上有創新的研究發現。Item Advice for Establishing Statistics and Probability Online Simulation Games.(2010-09-26) Chen, W. N.; Lan. Y. J.Item Are you listening? - The development of online peer assessment system for English oral reading.(2009-12-04) Lan, Y. J.; Sung, Y. T.; Chang, K. E.Peer assessment is a common used strategy in EFL reading class in Taiwan to help EFL teacher “ensure” that all students are paying attention to others’ oral reading. In this study we develop an online peer assessment system for EFL oral reading activities to overcome the potential drawbacks of traditional peer assessment.Item Can learning a foreign language shape our thought?(2009-04-18) Guan, Y. H.; Lin, P. C.Item A CEFR-based Computerized Adaptive Testing System for Chinese Proficiency.(2012-10-01) Hsuan-Po Wang; Bor-Chen Kuo; Ya-Hsun Tsai; Chen-Huei LiaoIn the era of globalization, the trend towards learning Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) has become increasingly popular worldwide. The increasing demand in learning CFL has raised the profile of the Chinese proficiency test (CPT). This study will analyze in depth the inadequacy of current CPT’s utilizing the common European framework of reference (CEFR) for language learning, teaching, and assessment to develop a set of reliability and validity standards for a computerized adaptive testing (CAT) CPT system. Actual performance of computerized tests will simulate the empirical data via the CAT system process and assess the efficacy of this system.Item CEFR在台灣的研究發展與應用現況(北京:北京大學出版社, 2012-12-17) 蔡雅薰Item The Chinese as second language multidimensional computerized adaptive testing system construction(NAUN, 2011-01-01) Hsuan-Po Wang; Bor-Chen Kuo; Rih-Chang Chao; Ya-Hsun TsaiWith rising demand of Chinese as Second Language (CSL) learning, Chinese Proficiency Test became more and more popular recently. There are several major proficiency tests with paper-pencil (P&P) formats for Chinese learners including Taiwan's test of proficiency-Huayu (TOP-Huayu), the mainland's Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK), and America's Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT). In this study, Common European Framework Reference (CEFR) is applied and CSL Proficiency Index is used as guidelines to develop a multidimensional computerized adaptive testing (MCAT) system for enhancing the CSL proficiency test. This research collected empirical data via the computerized based test (CBT) followed by developing and conducting a simulation study on a MCAT system. The proposed system provides a framework of using item response theory (IRT) as the ability scoring method and applies to the process as a MCAT. In addition, this research will also go through the evaluation of the effectiveness of the process on MCAT system. There were 658 empirical data collected from Grace Christian Collage in Philippine on September 2009. At the end of this research the result indicated that recommend CSL MCAT System applied MAP as the ability estimation method for this MCAT System. The interface of the MCAT system is also present at this research.Item CoCAR: An online synchronous training model for empowering ICT capacity of CFL teachers.(ASCILITE, 2012-01-01) Lan, Y. J.; Chang, K. E.; Chen, N. S.In response to the need to cultivate pre-service Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) teachers’ information and communication technology (ICT) competency in online synchronous environments, this research adopted a three-stage cyclical model named cooperation-based cognition, action, and reflection (CoCAR). The model was implemented in an 18-week program to prepare pre-service CFL teachers for online synchronous teaching. A qualitative approach was adopted to analyse the collected data. The results demonstrate that the CoCAR model benefits the pedagogical growth of the pre-service CFL teachers, and helps them to make progress in online synchronous teaching activity design and tool usage. The proposed model also creates a positive climate for technological and pedagogic knowledge to overcome some common problems in conventional teacher training programs. The CoCAR model, which emphasises cognition, action, and reflection, is considered suitable for the training of online synchronous teaching skills among CFL teachers, and can be applied to general training programs to enhance the ICT capacity of teachers.Item A cognitive-interactive approach to Chinese characters learning: System design and development.(2009-08-11) Lan, Y. J.; Sung, Y. T.; Wu, C. Y.; Chang, K. E.A solid knowledge of Chinese characters plays an important role in Chinese reading. Essentially, Chinese characters, a graphic- based orthographic rule, are much different from the words of an alphabetic language, such as English, French, etc. The uniqueness of Chinese characters make it is extremely difficult for most of the CFL/CSL learners no matter what their nationalities are. In this paper we developed a Chinese character learning system based on a cognitive-interactive perspective to help CFL/CSL learners learn Chinese characters. The results of a preliminary survey show that most of the surveyed CSL learners approved the learning system’s design rationale as well as made positive comments on the system learning effect upon their Chinese character knowledge construction.Item A cooperative learning platform for context-aware ubiquitous learning: A pilot study of Mandarin Chinese learning activities(2013-11-22) Wang, S. Y.; Lan, Y. J.; Yeh, Y. M.; Lin, J. S.; Sung, Y. T.This pilot study aimed at examining the effects of a context-aware ubiquitous system on oversea Chinese students’ Mandarin Chinese learning. The research was undertaken on 49 CFL learners of Chinese descent, with whom we conducted interviews regarding their experience using the mobile learning system. It was discovered that the CFL learners foundthe new learning system both more interesting and informative than conventional teaching methods, but also pointed out several correctable flaws and technical defects which hampered the learning process.Item Critical reading materials in Chinese: An argument for inclusion(2011-05-13) Hendryx, J.Item A Culture-Based Approach to Business Chinese Teaching(中壢市:中原大學應用華語文學系, 2010-04-01) 楊藹瑩; 陳麗宇在全球化的時代,跨文化能力毫無疑問是商場成功的關鍵。因此,文化在商用中文學習上十分重要。僅管目前市面上的商用中文教材大多包含文化的介紹,內容卻十分貧乏。要激發學生的文化認知以達到流利的商務溝通,奠基於文化的商用中文教學設計不可或缺。 本文探討作者教授一群國際學生商用中文的經驗。這些具有不同文化背景的學生當時就讀於台灣北部的大學。在課堂上透過電影、文學、歌曲、廣告及新聞等文化素材,學生自我建構跨文化的商業知識。作者的教學模式除借鑒自專業英文的理論,並融入成人教學與建構主義的學理。因為商用中文學生以成人為主,學生將真實生活的經驗帶入課室,透過合作學習與互動,激發跨文化溝通的能力。 商業文化涵蓋不同層次,如國家文化、區域文化、公司文化、功能文化、行業文化及團隊文化。透過各種不同的學習任務、資源與學習活動,學生從輔助認知而積極攝取知識。最後從學習日誌的分析取得學生的回饋,可作為日後課程改進的依據。推廣商用中文學習的同時,建立文化資源資料庫已刻不容緩。Item Decision Tree Based Tone Modeling with Corrective Feedbacks for Automatic Mandarin Tone Assessment.(2010-09-30) Liao, H.C.; Chen, J.C.; Chang, S.C.; Guan, Y. H.; Lee, C.H.We propose a novel decision tree based approach to Mandarin tone assessment. In most conventional computer assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) scenarios a tone production template is prepared as a reference with only numeric scores as feedbacks for tone learning. In contrast decision trees trained with an annotated tone-balanced corpus make use of a collection of questions related to important cues in categories of tone production. By traversing the corresponding paths and nodes associated with a test utterance a sequence of corrective comments can be generated to guide the learner for potential improvement. Therefore a detailed pronunciation indication or a comparison between two paths can be provided to learners which are usually unavailable in score-based CAPT systems.Item Designing interaction tasks in Second Life for CFL learners: a preliminary exploration.(Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ascilite), 2013-01-01) Lan, Y. J.; Kan, Y. H.; Hsiao, I,Y.T.; Yang, S.J.H.; Chang, K.E.The aims of this research were to develop guidelines for designing interaction tasks for learners of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) and to investigate the attitudes of CFL learners toward a full CFL class in Second Life (SL). Three research questions were addressed in this research: (1) what are the attitudes of CFL learners toward the language learning tasks in SL? (2) what kinds of social interactions emerge from learning activities in a CFL class in SL? (3) how do those activities benefit CFL learners in the learning of Chinese in SL? Two studies were conducted to tackle these questions. The cognition, usage, and expansion (CUE) model was proposed based on the findings obtained from study 1 and then implemented and evaluated in study 2. The findings of study 2 indicated that the activities run in the CUE model were effective at motivating CFL beginners and improving their oral communication and social interactions. Based on the video data analysis, three criteria were proposed for designing learning activities. Suggestions are also made for future research on CFL teaching/learning in SL.Item Educating the reflective online teachers of Chinese as a foreign language.(2011-08-14) Lan, Y. J.; Chen, N. S.Item The effect of co-sharing on L2 vocabulary learning strategy development.(International Forum of Educational Technology and Society, 2013-01-01) Lan, Y. J.