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李漁(1611-1680)是明末清初年間的文學家、戲曲家,代表作有戲曲批評集《閒情偶寄》,小說集《無聲戲》、《十二樓》等。其中,《十二樓》是章回體白話短篇小説集,又名《覺世明言》,成書於清初。《十二樓》共十二卷,每卷各有一情節獨立的故事。每卷回數不一,內容多寫才子佳人,情節曲折且富有新意。李漁筆下的女性人物往往不同於傳統認知中的古代中國女性形象。這樣一位反傳統,反風俗的明清小說家,也吸引到漢學家韓南(Patrick Hanan,1927-2014)的興趣。韓南的研究與翻譯,在海外更進一步地打開了李漁的知名度,也反向影響了華語學界對李漁的再重視與再研究。在韓南的 The Invention of Liyu 中,他提到李漁小說中女性形象的反傳統性,因為她們對自身命運的把控,將她們視為女性解放的先驅者。本文將選擇還原度最高的韓南譯本——A Tower for the Summer Heat 進行文本分析,以勒菲弗爾(André Lefevere,1946-1996)的操縱理論為理論背景,著重分析韓南在處理《十二樓》中的女性角色時,是否能體現李漁筆下這些女性角色在當時時代傳統的桎梏下所展現的反叛,獨立的人格特質,分析譯者對翻譯文本的操縱因素,從而研究西方文化審視下,對於這些女性形象的態度與形象的再現效果。
Li Yu (1611-1680) was a writer and dramatist in the late Ming and the early Qing. His representative works include the theatrical critique collection Xianqing ouji, the story collections titled Wusheng xi and Shi’er lou. Shi’er lou is a collection of short stories written in vernacular Chinese in the form of linked chapters, also known as Jueshi mingyan. It was completed in the early Qing dynasty. Shi’er lou consists of twelve short stories, each containing a standalone story. Each story revolves around a tower (lou), and the fates and plot developments of the characters are intertwined with the towers. Therefore, the entire book is named Shi’er lou. The number of chapters varies in each story, and the content mainly focuses on Genius and Beauty, with intricate and innovative plots. The female characters depicted by Li Yu often differ from the traditional image of classical Chinese women. As a nonconformist and critic of social norms, Li Yu attracted the interest of sinologist Patrick Hanan (1927-2014). Hanan’s research and translations further increased Li Yu’s reputation overseas and in turn influenced the Chinese academic community to reevaluate and study Li Yu. In Hanan’s book The Invention of Li Yu, he mentions the nonconformity of the female characters in Li Yu’s fiction. Their control over their own destinies positions them as pioneers of female liberation. This thesis analyzes the texts by using Hanan’s translation with the highest degree of fidelity, titled A Tower for the Summer Heat. Based on the Manipulation Theory of André Lefevere, the focus of the thesis will be on examining whether Hanan’s portrayal of the female characters in Shi’er lou reflects the rebellion and independent personality traits exhibited by these women within the traditional constraints of the time. The goal is to analyze the manipulative factors of translators towards the translated text in order to study the attitudes towards these female images and the effects of their representation under Western cultural scrutiny.



《十二樓》, 明清女性, 明清小說英譯, 韓南, 操縱理論, Shi’er lou, Females of the Ming and the Qing dynasties, English translation of Ming and Qing fictions, Patrick Hanan, Manipulation Theory

