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本研究旨在探究專家與新手有稿同步口譯英譯中的準備方式,以及準備策略是否影響到口譯產出。本研究受試者包含6位專家及10位學生口譯員,專家的工作年資為4年至11年,學生口譯員則為通過台大、師大、輔大三校聯合資格考的翻譯研究所口譯組學生。研究採實驗觀察法及訪談法。每位受試者有15分鐘準備講稿,在此期間以Windows Xbox之電腦螢幕錄製程式紀錄受試者在研究者提供的電腦上的查詢過程,研究者也會觀察受試者的準備方式。口譯實驗為15分鐘,接著為訪談15分鐘。口譯產出評分標準採取財團法人語言訓練中心的中英文翻譯能力檢定評分標準,評分項目分為正確性與表達流暢度。評審為一位年資7.5年的專家口譯員,且此位專家非實際參與實驗之專家。研究發現口譯員在實驗中的準備方式包括:評估情況、理解、寫關鍵字、畫重點、查字、斷句。專家受試者在訪談中提到工作中曾使用的其他有稿同步準備方式則包括:視譯及筆譯。研究並未發現準備方式和產出結果有直接的關聯,即使使用相同策略的口譯員產出表現可能不同,而口譯表現仍與經驗及本身能力有關。根據研究觀察及訪談,在時間限制下,評估情況、理解、寫關鍵字、畫重點為較優先採用的方式,視譯及筆譯則是訪談中提到工作經驗中,為重要性極高的演講且時間充裕時會採用的準備策略。
This study aims to understand how expert and novice interpreters prepare English to Chinese simultaneous interpreting with text. The subjects of this study are 6 expert interpreters and 10 student interpreters. The experts have been working as professional interpreters for 4 to 11 years, and the student interpreters have passed the interpretation qualification exam of National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University and Fu Jen Catholic University. The study is conducted using the experimentation and observation method. Each subject has 15 minutes to prepare for the text of the speech. Windows Xbox is used to record the process of preparation on the computer researcher provided; observation is also made by the researcher.The interpretation experiment lasts for 15 minutes and the interview is about 15-20 minutes. The output is rated according to the rating standard of accuracy and fluency of delivery of the Language Training and Testing Center (LTTC) English-Chinese Interpretation Proficiency Test. The judge is a professional interpreter with 7.5 years of experience, and the expert did not take part in the research. This research has found that during the experiment, the preparation method of subject interpreters include: evaluate the situation, understand the text, write down key words, underline key points, look up words, and chunking. Some expert nterpreters mentioned they have used other methods such as sight translation and translation to prepare for simultaneous interpreting with text. The research didn’t find direct connection between interpreters' preparation method and their performance. The performance of interpreters using the same methods might differ due to their prior experience and skills. According to the result of interviews and observation, within a certain time limit, interpreters prioritize evaluating the situation, understanding the text, writing down key words, and underlining key points. Sight translation and translation are used when the preparation time is ample and the speech is extremely significant.



有稿同步口譯, 帶稿同步口譯, 同步口譯, 口譯準備, 新手與專家, Simultaneous interpreting with text, simultaneous interpreting, preparation for interpreting, expert and novice





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