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2019年起(COVID-19)疫情席捲全球,世界各地瀰漫著恐慌情緒與諸多的不確定性。突如其來又快速爆發的疫情,各地因應不及,活動頓時停擺,相應之下,危機的預防與管理成為了重中之重,而組織面臨風險管理的關鍵主體在於「人」,疫情因應過程,凸顯組織應變能力。金融支持整體經濟運作具有重要性,組織內營運活動有既定標準作業流程與管理控制機制,其高度遵守法規與受主管機關監理之行業特殊性,於面對急迫且大規模的遠距工作,實具有衝擊性,因此,本研究以某金融機構作為個案探討對象,透過文獻探討、文件分析、關鍵事件法與半結構式訪談,初探個案公司在面對突如其來的疫情時之組織溝通與專責防疫組織編制應變,並就組織內發生可能產生首例染疫員工時之關鍵事件,剖析組織因應危機之道,再就居家工作之組織管理機制進行疏理,最終透過與四位資深在職者進行訪談,以了解組織成員之感受。本研究從組織管理及組織成員的視角為基礎進行分析,發現組織與其成員間存在的不純粹只在於實體契約關係,在面對特殊事件時,組織溝通讓信賴關係更發酵,藉由員工關懷誘發情感性承諾,彼此心照不宣的心理契約,雖然是無形,卻是組織文化及價值觀之根基。 本研究得到以下結論: 一、危機威脅,透過即時並兼顧法、理、情之作為,讓組織與成員之信賴關係更牢靠,也體現心照不宣的心理契約。 二、疫情的危機加劇數位變革,實深具時代意義;應全面深入檢視,並積極導入新興科技,包括內部維運,形成組織思惟,落實於做事情的方法。 三、引發組織成員深思創造自我價值之重要,組織管理與基層主管的行動展現必須發揮同理心,以免帶來不信任感,心理契約是組織與成員之間互信之奠基。 四、人力資源管理功能為勞雇關係的橋樑,其活動影響雙方依附關係的優劣,更深一層的將價值觀植入於組織,帶來漣漪效應,塑造組織管理脈絡。 本研究提出組織文化是治理的心魄,攸關企業之成敗,企業應自我覺察並形塑獨特文化,本理論觀點,俾供其他組織參酌。
The COVID-19 epidemic has swept across the world since 2019 with widespread fear and uncertainty. The sudden and rapid outbreak of the epidemic has caught countries off guard, bringing various activities to a halt. As a result, crisis prevention and management has become the top priority. “People” are the cornerstone of organizational risk management, and the organizational capacity to respond and cope with the situation has been highlighted during the battle against the pandemic. The financial industry is crucial in supporting the economy as a whole and has established standard operating procedures as well as management control mechanisms for its operations. Its high level of compliance with regulations and supervision by the competent authorities is a unique characteristic of the industry, which can be impactful in the face of urgent and large-scale telework. For this reason, a financial institution was chosen as the subject of this case study. An exploration of organizational communication and dedicated organizational set-up in the face of an unexpected pandemic was conducted through literature review, document analysis, critical incident technique and semi-structured interviews. Moreover, the critical incidents involving the first confirmed case of the pandemic in an organization were used to analyze the approach to crisis management and clarify the management mechanism of telework. Finally, four senior employees were interviewed in order to gain an understanding of the feelings of the members of the organization.The analysis was based on both organization management and its members perspective concepts. It was found that the relationship between an organization and its members does not only lie in physical contracts, but also in organizational communication that fosters a relationship of mutual trust in the face of unusual events, using the Employee Caring to elicit emotional commitments to each other. The unspoken psychological contract, although intangible, is the foundation of organizational culture and values. The following conclusions were drawn:1. By acting in a timely manner and taking law, rationality and emotion into account, the threat of crisis strengthens the relationship of mutual trust between the organization and its members, which embodies an unspoken psychological contract. 2. The crisis of the pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation, which is of great contemporary significance. An in-depth review and proactive introduction of emerging technologies, which include internal operations, are necessary for developing an organizational mindset and implementing them in ways of doing things. Telework brings hidden worries of work-home conflict and vague working hours; its necessary for enterprises to establish social support and managers' empathy. 3. It is important to inspire members of an organization to think about the significance of building their self-worth. Junior managers need to demonstrate empathy in their management and actions in order to avoid mistrust. It should be noted that the psychological contract is the foundation of mutual trust between the organization and its members. 4. Human resource management is the bridge between employers and employees, with its activities influencing the quality of the dependencyrelationship between the two parties. It also embeds values in the organization at a deeper level, bringing about a ripple effect and shaping the management context of the organization.This study suggests that organizational culture is the heart and soul of corporate governance, which is critical to the achievement of a company. Companies should be more conscious of themselves whilst developing their own unique culture.



危機, 溝通, 遠距工作, 心理契約, 組織文化, crisis, communication, telework, psychological contract, organizational culture





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