
dc.description.abstract風帆運動參與歷程之研究 -以新竹及福隆帆船俱樂部為例 研究生:張基贊 指導教授:王宗吉 中華民國九十四年六月 中文摘要 雖然政府推動週休二日,而台灣又因為是海島國家,水域遼闊,應該很適合發展休閒風帆運動, 但事實上參與風帆運動的人口卻不多。因此本研究的研究目的為:一、瞭解風帆運動參與者的參加動機。二、在參與風帆運動的歷程中,參與者體驗休閒體驗之情形。三、瞭解風帆運動參與者所感受之休閒效益的情形。四、依據參與風帆運動的休閒動機,休閒體驗和休閒效益來探討風帆運動之參與歷程。本研究根據參與的歷程劃分為參與活動前、活動中以及活動後等三個時間區段,並且分別以參與動機、休閒體驗和休閒效益作為相應之調查內容。本研究的對象為新竹帆船俱樂部的教練或義務教練,以結構式的訪談法來搜集資料與分析。根據訪談結果,研究者發現風帆運動參與者在參與活動之前、活動中以及活動之後的參與歷程如下:在休閒動機方面,以「刺激、挑戰」和「掌控」為主。在休閒體驗方面則以「體力、技巧」、「努力克服困難」、「專心投入、樂在其中、忘了時間」和「好玩、有趣、愉快」為主要的休閒體驗。在休閒效益方面則包括「快樂、開朗、放鬆」、「訓練體能、維持健康」等心理與生理的效益最為明顯,其次為「認識新朋友」之社交上的休閒效益。由於風帆活動有上述休閒效益,因此本研究建議 :學校加強海洋教育、建設沿海休閒設施、推廣各項海洋文化的活動以便民眾體驗。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Study of the Progress of Participation in Sailing In yacht club of Hsinchu& Fulung Abstract Author:Chang Chi-Tsan Thesis Advisor:Wang Chun-chi Though the government promotes the two days vacation on weekend, Taiwan is an island country with vast areas of water surrounding it, should be suitable for developing leisure sailing, but in fact less people of the population actually participated in this sail movement. So the purpose of this research were : (1) To understand the motivation for joining by the sailing participant. (2) The circumstances arising from the participant’s personal leisure experiences during the course of the sailing movement. (3) To comprehend the sailing participart’s feelings for its leisure benefits. (4) In accordance to the sailing participant’s leisure motivation, leisure experiences and leisure benefits , we explore the participation course of the sailing movement. The study structure of this research is based on three time sectors which were divided according to its process of participation in the sailing course namely the participant' s participation before the activity, the participant's participation while the course is still in progress and the participant's participation after the activity according to the course participated in; and utilizing separately the leisure motivation, leisure experiences and leisure benefits as the corresponding investigation contents. The subject of this research is the coach or obligation coach of the yacht club of Hsinchu& Fulung, adopting the structured interview to collect and analyze the data. According to the interview' s result, the researcher found out that the sailing participant' s participation before the activity, while the activity is still in progress and after the activity according to the course participated i n; thus mutually influencing each other were as follows : In respect of leisure motivation , " stimulus, challenge " and "control " were the main factors. In respect of leisure experiences, physical power, skills, overcoming difficulties, finding pleasure in it, forgetting the time; and for fun, interesting, happiness were considered as the main factors. In respect of leisure benefits, it includes physical stamina training, strengthening physical power, optimistic, happiness, relaxation, satisfaction etc. were physiology and psychologically obvious. Secondly,” making new friends “ were the leisure benefits. Consequently, in order to let people experience this activity, the researcher made three suggestions: schools offer more marine education, government develop the subsidiary equipment, and popularize all kinds of marine activities.en_US
dc.subjectLeisure Motivationen_US
dc.subjectLeisure Experienceen_US
dc.subjectPerceived Freedomen_US
dc.subjectLeisure benefitsen_US

