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Department of Chinese, NTNU
Department of Chinese, NTNU
本文先校錄抄寫於10世紀中葉P.2680、P.3727二寫本上的〈唯識大師無著菩薩本生緣〉、〈唯識論師世親菩薩本生緣〉,之後考究其文體名──「本生緣」,以為應該是「本生」與「緣起」的合稱,此文體的特色應當是敘述拔苦令安樂的菩薩行因緣。 而〈唯識大師無著菩薩本生緣〉的主要情節──割己肉以代狗為蟲蛆所食,可在清代乾隆年間雲增.耶喜絳稱《菩提道次第師師相承傳》、今人索甲仁波切《西藏生死書》等書找到;而〈唯識論師世親菩薩本生緣〉則應是以南朝陳真諦譯《婆藪槃豆法師傳》為基礎,參考唐代玄奘《大唐西域記》、敦煌本曇曠《大乘百法明門論開宗義決》,改寫而成。甚至曾獲吐蕃贊普邀請入藏而終未成行的曇曠,極有可能就是〈唯識論師世親菩薩本生緣〉 、〈唯識大師無著菩薩本生緣〉二文本的作者。
In the middle of the tenth century, the Wei shi lun shi Shiqinpusa ben sheng yuan and Wei shi lun shi Wuzhupusa ben sheng yuan were written in P.2680、P.3727, the name “ben sheng yuan” should be the common term of “ben sheng” and “yuan qi”, the feature of this genre should be the narrative of achieving the happiness by staying off the course of suffering in principal and secondary causes of Bodihisattva’ s travel. The main plot in Wei shi da shi Wuzhepusa ben sheng yuan is to hurt oneself so as to substitute dogs for biting by maggots, it could be found in Yunzeng.Yexijiangcheng’ s The Lineage from Masters to Masters on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment in the Emperor Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty and Sogyal Rinpoche’ s The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Furthermore, the Wei shi lun shi Shiqinpusa ben sheng yuan should be based on the translation of ChenZhendi’ s The Life of Vasu-Bandhu in the Southern Dynasties, and referring to the Xuanzang’ s The Great T'ang Dynasty Record of the Western Regions and Tankuang’ s Dasheng bai fa ming men lun kaizong yijue. So much that, Tankuang, who had been invited by btsan po of Tibet to entering Tibet but not yet completed, was the author of Wei shi lun shi Shiqinpusa ben sheng yuan and Wei shi lun shi Wuzhepusa ben sheng yuan these two texts.
In the middle of the tenth century, the Wei shi lun shi Shiqinpusa ben sheng yuan and Wei shi lun shi Wuzhupusa ben sheng yuan were written in P.2680、P.3727, the name “ben sheng yuan” should be the common term of “ben sheng” and “yuan qi”, the feature of this genre should be the narrative of achieving the happiness by staying off the course of suffering in principal and secondary causes of Bodihisattva’ s travel. The main plot in Wei shi da shi Wuzhepusa ben sheng yuan is to hurt oneself so as to substitute dogs for biting by maggots, it could be found in Yunzeng.Yexijiangcheng’ s The Lineage from Masters to Masters on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment in the Emperor Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty and Sogyal Rinpoche’ s The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Furthermore, the Wei shi lun shi Shiqinpusa ben sheng yuan should be based on the translation of ChenZhendi’ s The Life of Vasu-Bandhu in the Southern Dynasties, and referring to the Xuanzang’ s The Great T'ang Dynasty Record of the Western Regions and Tankuang’ s Dasheng bai fa ming men lun kaizong yijue. So much that, Tankuang, who had been invited by btsan po of Tibet to entering Tibet but not yet completed, was the author of Wei shi lun shi Shiqinpusa ben sheng yuan and Wei shi lun shi Wuzhepusa ben sheng yuan these two texts.