21 世紀是休閒結合生活為主的世代,尤其旅遊市場蓬勃發展,渡假村正快速地成長,因此對渡假村業者而言,產品行銷與價格訂定的策略顯得非常重要。過去研究將特徵價格理論 (hedonic price theory) 應用在房地產,後來也用在旅館市場上,但是極少研究將此方法應用在渡假村,更不用提在亞洲的旅遊市場中。有鑑於此,本研究之主要目的為探討影響渡假村房價的因素,主要以渡假村的特徵因素如:線上用戶評論數量、線上星級評鑑、地點易及性、海景、客房設施、運動設施、客房舒適度、客房整潔度、服務、旅館設備狀況、親子設施、品牌連鎖及早餐來探討會顯著影響渡假村價格之因素,並加入可能之控制變項 (房間數量、季節性、假日與非假日)。本研究於線上旅遊平台Expedia 智遊網中搜尋字尾出現「渡假村」的關鍵字做資料蒐集,房價則是於網站上以臺灣、港澳及中國大陸的渡假村2019年3月、6月、9月及12月的第一週並只記錄期間內的最低價格。兩岸四地渡假村共225間 (臺灣93間;中國大陸123間;香港5間;澳門4間),因蒐集的資料量採計四個季節、再區分週間與周末資料,所以總資料筆數是1800筆。研究方法以特徵價格理論與多元迴歸分析來探討影響渡假村價格之因素,研究結果顯示,在控制房間數量、季節性及假日與非假日下,線上用戶評論數量 (係數為.079)、線上星級評鑑 (係數為.238)、客房舒適度 (係數為.115)、親子設施 (係數為.087) 及品牌連鎖 (係數為.067) 對渡假村價格有正向顯著影響。建議業者可先著重正向影響渡假村房價的特徵因素並根據以上研究結果提供未來亞洲渡假村業者之定價參考依據。
The 21st century is an era which mainly combines life and leisure. The market for tourism is flourishing and resorts are continuing to grow rapidly and in significant numbers. Therefore, it’s important for the resort operators to promote products and create a realistic pricing strategy. Extant research using hedonic price theory is commonly used in real estate; however, recently, some authors have started to use hedonic price theory in the hotel market. However, there are few studies using hedonic price theory in resorts, especially in the Asian market. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors affecting room prices of resorts. These factors include volume of online review, online star ratings, accessibility of geographical location, ocean view, room facilities, sports-related facilities, room comfort, room cleanliness, service ,property condition, children’s play area, chain affiliation and breakfast and the control variable includes the number of rooms, seasonality and weekday and weekend. Empirical data including all the resorts in Taiwan (93), China (123), Hong Kong (5) and Macau (4) would be collected in the first week of March, June, September and December from Expedia. The total sample is 1800. The empirical regression results show that volume of online review (.079), online star ratings (.238), room comfort (.115), children’s play area (.087) and chain affiliation (.067) have significantly positive effects on the resort price. The managerial implication of the paper is also discussed and could help resort managers raise resort values in Asia.
The 21st century is an era which mainly combines life and leisure. The market for tourism is flourishing and resorts are continuing to grow rapidly and in significant numbers. Therefore, it’s important for the resort operators to promote products and create a realistic pricing strategy. Extant research using hedonic price theory is commonly used in real estate; however, recently, some authors have started to use hedonic price theory in the hotel market. However, there are few studies using hedonic price theory in resorts, especially in the Asian market. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors affecting room prices of resorts. These factors include volume of online review, online star ratings, accessibility of geographical location, ocean view, room facilities, sports-related facilities, room comfort, room cleanliness, service ,property condition, children’s play area, chain affiliation and breakfast and the control variable includes the number of rooms, seasonality and weekday and weekend. Empirical data including all the resorts in Taiwan (93), China (123), Hong Kong (5) and Macau (4) would be collected in the first week of March, June, September and December from Expedia. The total sample is 1800. The empirical regression results show that volume of online review (.079), online star ratings (.238), room comfort (.115), children’s play area (.087) and chain affiliation (.067) have significantly positive effects on the resort price. The managerial implication of the paper is also discussed and could help resort managers raise resort values in Asia.
特徵價格理論, 渡假村, 線上星級評鑑, 海景, 多元迴歸, Hedonic Price Theory, Resort, Online Star Ratings, Ocean View, Multiple Regression Model