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  回鶻文《金光明經》是回鶻文文獻中相當重要的一部鉅作,譯者為勝光法師。本文從回鶻文《金光明經》中的漢語借詞及經咒文,探討勝光法師在翻譯《金光明經》時的依據、翻譯的原則、以及當時河西地區的方言音韻現象。 第一章 緒論:指出本文研究動機、探討前人研究成果、研究方法、研究中所遭遇到的困難,以及文中所使用的回鶻文轉寫體例。 第二章 回鶻文《金光明經》及其漢語借詞反映的音韻現象:從回鶻文《金光明經》的翻譯背景、版本、譯者和內容切入,整理《金光明經》在翻譯過程中被忽略的一些重點,以還原翻譯時的實際情況。第二節整理其中的漢語借詞,歸納音韻地位。 第三章 回鶻文《金光明經》經咒文反映的音韻現象:本章針對《金光明經》經咒文的部分進行音韻地位整理;並與漢語借詞的部分相較,統整出兩者間的相異點,進一步分析其語言層次。 第四章 回鶻文《金光明經》與現代河西方言:本章援引河西地區蘭州、張掖的方言調查報告,與前章所整理的音韻系統作繫聯,以檢視中古晚期的河西方言在現今河西地區殘留的痕跡。 第五章 結論   經本文的推論可以確定:回鶻文《金光明經》純為譯自於義淨本《金光明經》,翻譯中並無參照其他的梵文本;經文中部分專有名詞,包括經咒文,譯者則是試圖還原成梵讀的形式,但實際上亦非譯自於梵語。除此以外,漢語借詞及經咒文呈顯兩套不同音韻系統的情況,說明回鶻文《金光明經》的翻譯者不止一人,除了勝光法師外極可能尚有其他翻譯者。文中並指出甘肅地區的幾個方言點:蘭州、張掖、酒泉等,各者之間的語音歧異處是值得注意與再研究的現象。
Uighur Version of "Altun Yaruk" translated by勝光法師is an important classic in the Uighur literature. In this paper, we discussed his principles of translation, and the phonological phenomenon in dialects of the region "河西" based on the loanwords and the incantations in Uighur Version of "Altun Yaruk". First, we introduced the motivation, related researches, analysis methods, difficulties, and the transcription of Uighur. Second, considering the period, background, versions, content, and auther, we tried to reconstruct the real situation of his translation. Thirdly, we discussed the phonological implication of Chinese loanwords and incantations used in Uighur Version of "Altun Yaruk", and compared their differences. Fourthly, we quoted the research report of modern and ancient dialects in the region "河西", and compared their phonological systems with the "Altun Yaruk". Finally, we found something interesting. According to the inferences of this paper, we concluded that Uighur version of "Altun Yaruk" was entirely translated from the 義淨 version of "Altun Yaruk" without referring to any other Sanskrit visions. Including the incantations, some of the proper nouns in the "Altun Yaruk" were translated to fit the pronunciations of Sanskrit. In addition, the usage of phonological systems between the incantations and the Chinese loanwords was significantly different. This indicated that Uighur version of "Altun Yaruk" was translated by more than one person, but not 勝光法師 only. This paper also pointed out that the differences of the pronunciation among several dialects in 甘肅: 蘭州, 張掖, 酒泉, etc., it was worthy to address and further investigate in the future.



回鶻, 金光明經, 勝光法師, 回漢對音, 河西方言, 音韻史, 敦煌, Uighur, Altun Yaruk, 勝光法師, Uighur-Chinese transliteration, dialects, phonological history, Dunhuang





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