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本研究旨在是探討藉物件藏找遊戲(hidden objects games)的方式,國小學童在英語字彙學習方面之效益。研究聚焦在自變項學童的場獨場依型認知風格及英語學習成就對於依變項認知負荷、英語學習焦慮、情境焦慮狀態、心流經驗之差異表現,並探討各變項之間是否存有顯著相關;此外,以字彙測驗後測之成績做為預測量,分析得知認知風格、學習焦慮、心流經驗對字彙測驗成績之預測情形,瞭解其學習效益。 本研究以「立意抽樣」選取181位新北市OO國小五年級學童做為研究對象,研究者於主課程外之英語彈性課程時間進行「物件藏找遊戲」字彙學習課程,歷時10週左右,學生共體驗5次物件藏找遊戲,並在遊戲前後分別安排字彙測驗。此外,使用「團體嵌圖測驗(GEFT)」、「英語學習焦慮量表」、「認知負荷量表」、「情境焦慮狀態量表」及「心流經驗量表」四個自陳量表,問卷量表經由項目分析檢驗信效度及鑑別度,刪除不適切題目資料。研究所得之資料以獨立樣本t檢定、相依樣本t檢定、相關分析、逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析,綜合整個研究,本研究結果分項概述如下: 透過物件藏找遊戲學習後, 一、字彙測驗前後測成績進步量呈顯著差異。 二、場獨場依型認知風格在認知負荷及成績進步量呈顯著差異。場依型學生認知負荷高於場獨型學生;場依型學生之成績進步量低於場獨型。 三、英語學習成就在認知負荷及成績進步量程度呈顯著差異。低分組學生其認知負荷程度高於高分組;低分組成績進步量高於高分組。 四、場獨場依型認知風格在情境焦慮狀態方面呈顯著差異。場依型學生高於場獨型學生。 五、不同英語學習成就與其英語學習特質焦慮及情境焦慮狀態呈顯著差異。低分組學生其英語學習特質焦慮與情境焦慮狀態高於高分組。 六、不同英語學習成就之學童其心流經驗表現呈顯著差異。高分組心流經驗高於低分組。 七、學童之場獨場依型認知風格與英語學習焦慮、認知負荷、情境焦慮狀態各變項間存在負相關。 八、學童之場獨場依型認知風格與心流經驗之間存有正相關。 九、學童之英語學習成就與英語學習焦慮、認知負荷、情境焦慮狀態各變項間存在負相關。 十、場獨場依型認知風格、情境焦慮狀態、英語學習焦慮三變項對字彙測驗後測成績具有預測作用。 本研究結果提供教學實務建議與未來研究方面之參考。
The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of hidden objects games on English vocabulary learning for students in OO elementary school in New Taipei city. In this study, independent variables focus on students’ FIFD cognitive styles and English learning proficiency levels. The dependent variables are cognitive load, English learning trait anxiety, state anxiety and flow experience. The method of this study is experiment-correlated. It adopted “purposive sampling” to choose 181 fifth-grade students as the participants. They tookpart in “hidden objects games” learning courses during English flexible hours every week. This study lasted for ten weeks. The participants experienced the game at most five times. Before and after hidden objects games, students were required to do the pre-test and post-test to know their vocabulary learning performance and their progress each time. Besides, Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT) was used to understand students’ FIFD cognitive styles, and Questionnaires of this study included “English learning trait anxiety scale”, “state anxiety scale”, “cognitive load scale” and “flow experience.” To ensure the validity and reliability, all the scales were examined by item analysis and item discrimination. This study aimed to investigate the difference in performance among different FIFD cognitive-style students and students’ English proficiency levels, and explore the correlation of all variables. Moreover, this study intended to find out which variables are predictable for students’ score of English vocabulary post-test. In order to understand the effects, the quantification research data were analyzed by SPSS 22.0, including independent samples t -test, correlated samples t –test, correlation analysis and stepwise regression analysis. The major findings are as follows: 1. Stduents have made significantly prograss before and after experiencing hidden object games learning. 2. FD cognitive style’s cognitive load is significantly higher, and their amount of progress is lower. 3. Lower proficiency level’s cognitive load and amount of progress are significantly higher. 4. FD cognitive style’s state anxiety is significantly higher. 5. Lower proficiency level’s English learning trait anxiety and state anxiety are significantly higher. 6. Higher proficiency level’s flow experience are significantly higher. 7. FIFD cognitive styles are negatively correlated with English learning trait anxiety, cognitive load and state anxiety. 8. FIFD cognitive styles are positively correlated with flow experience. 9. Students’ English proficiency levels are negatively correlated with English learning trait anxiety, cognitive load and state anxiety. 10. FIFD cognitive styles, state anxiety and English learning anxiety could significantly predict English vocabulary post-test scores. The results of this study provided some suggestions for English teaching and future study as a reference. To sum up, adopting hidden objects games is an effective way to motivate students’ English vocabulary learning by integrating ACT-R modules. Even lower achievers made progress before and after. Mostly it helps reduce student’ learning state anxiety. Therefore, it might be used on remedial teaching. Also, different FIFD cognitive styles and English proficiency levels students behaves differently on learning anxiety, cognitive load and flow experience. For future study, researcher can focus more on the issue of arousing students’ flow experience--how to balance their “skill” and “challenge,” control their learning anxiety by using qualitative research method.



英語字彙學習, 場獨場依認知風格, 學習焦慮, 認知負荷, 心流經驗, English vocabulary learning, FIFD cognitive styles, learning anxiety, cognitive load, flow experience





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