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依據過去的文獻與調查,偏遠地區的科學教育與資源未受到應有的重 視,低於全國平均值。本計畫以點的方式,與石碇高中合作,嘗試規劃、 進行提升偏遠地區的科學素養。 過去推動偏遠地區的科學活動偏向播種方式,幾乎都是一至三天的科 學研習營,讓參加學員體驗科學實驗或進行野外考察為主,沒有後續的灌 溉與呵護,很難評估其長期的影響。石碇高中屬於偏遠地區的學校,本計 畫期望在九個月的時間中,與石碇高中合作,共同開發適合的科學教材, 也參考22 所高瞻計畫學校的教材,在課堂或社團課中,讓學生能由動手 做實驗及多元化教學或活動,能提高學生學習科學之興趣,擴展學生視 野,增加中學學生協同合作、表達溝通的能力。並並培育具有意願與資質 的學生,在假日科學廣場活動中擔任助理或解說員。 本計畫也將探討當地學生的學習型態與認知模式,以其在未來能有 效、持續推動偏遠地區之科學教育工作。
In the remote area, the level and resource of science education is usually under the average of the whole country. This program is trying to promote the scientific level in a remote high school of Taipei county. In the past, the programs of promoting science for the remote area are typically scientific fairs for students, or workshops for teachers, or scientific fairs for public people sometimes. It is hard to root the science deeply, and to promote science level effectively. For plowing the scientific seeds deeply, this program cooperate with Shrding (石碇) high school. Teaching material for this program will be developed by Science Education Center of NTNU and Shrding high school, and revised suitable teaching material taken from the 22 high schools of 高瞻project. This program will be executed nine months, and teaching course in class and doing scientific fair in the weekend or winter vacation. The student assistants in the scientific fair will be chosen and trained from the teaching class. In the executing period, our groups will investigate learning styles and cognitive mode of local students that will be helpful for the future work.
In the remote area, the level and resource of science education is usually under the average of the whole country. This program is trying to promote the scientific level in a remote high school of Taipei county. In the past, the programs of promoting science for the remote area are typically scientific fairs for students, or workshops for teachers, or scientific fairs for public people sometimes. It is hard to root the science deeply, and to promote science level effectively. For plowing the scientific seeds deeply, this program cooperate with Shrding (石碇) high school. Teaching material for this program will be developed by Science Education Center of NTNU and Shrding high school, and revised suitable teaching material taken from the 22 high schools of 高瞻project. This program will be executed nine months, and teaching course in class and doing scientific fair in the weekend or winter vacation. The student assistants in the scientific fair will be chosen and trained from the teaching class. In the executing period, our groups will investigate learning styles and cognitive mode of local students that will be helpful for the future work.