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本研究旨在探究特殊教育學生鑑定及就學輔導委員會承辦人員工作壓力及職業倦怠之現況,瞭解不同背景之鑑輔會承辦人員知覺的工作壓力及其對職業倦怠的感受程度差異情形,並探討兩者之間之相關性,以及分析工作壓力對職業倦怠之預測力,最後歸納研究結果,提出具體建議,以期提升鑑輔會工作之績效。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究工具為研究者自編之「鑑輔會承辦人員工作壓力及職業倦怠調查問卷」,以鑑輔會承辦人員為研究對象進行全國性的普查,共發22個縣市,共計130份問卷,回收有效問卷為111份,有效問卷回收率為85.3%。以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析,並獲得以下結論: 一、鑑輔會目前所執行之業務現況,以鑑定業務最多。 二、鑑輔會承辦人員整體工作壓力感受程度為中等程度;工作壓力大多傾向「工作負荷」及「角色壓力」。 三、鑑輔會承辦人員職業倦怠感受為中等程度;其中以「情緒耗竭」感受 程度較高。 四、30歲(含)以下、未婚、無子女數、擔任鑑輔會承辦人員年資在1年(含) 以下、東部及離島地區之鑑輔會承辦人員知覺工作壓力程度較高。 五、30歲(含)以下、未婚、無子女之鑑輔會承辦人員職業倦怠感受程度 較高。六、鑑輔會承辦人員知覺工作壓力愈大,其職業倦怠感受愈高。 七、鑑輔會承辦人員工作壓力對職業倦怠具預測力;其中以「工作負荷」 最能有效預測其職業倦怠感受程度。 最後,依據研究結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政單位、鑑輔會承辦人員及未來研究參考。
This research amied to study work stress and burnout of undertakers of The Committee of Identification Placement and Consultation ( IPC ) about the Special Needs Children nowadays; the difference between undertakers’ sense of work stress and burnout with different background; the relationship between work stress and burnout, and the prediction for burnout resulting from work stress. In order to elevate the oerformonce by these suggestion from the results. The study applied questionnaire survey method and the research tool“Scale for Evaluation of Job Stress and burnout of undertakers of IPC” was designed by the researcher. The subject of this nationwide survey was the undertakers of IPC. 111 pieces of questionnaires were effective among the 130 pieces issued to 22 counties and cities the effective response rate was 85.3%. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and Simultaneous Multiple Regression Analysis were utilized to analyze the data and to draw the conclusion as the followings: 1. The main business of IPC performed is the identification of the special needs children. 2. The overall work stress on the Undertakers of IPC was medium; their work stress mostly results from loading of jobs and role mission pressure. 3. The overall burnout on the Undertakers of IPC was medium; their emotional exhaustion was comparatively higher. 4. Undertakers of IPC, who were single, childless, below thirty-years-old, possess under a yaer seniority, work in Eastern region and offshore Islands, had higher sense of work stress. 5. Undertakers of IPC, who were single, childless, and below thirty-years-old, had higher sense of burnout. 6. Undertakers of IPC who suffered from higher sense of work stress, have higher sense of burnout. 7.The prediction for burnout caused by work stress shows a positive result; heavy workload can be most precisely predicted the Undertakers sense of burnout. Finally, based on the result of this research,some suggestion were offered to the authorities concerned, undertakers of the Committee of Identification Placement and Consultation about the Special Needs Children and future studies.



特殊教育學生鑑定及就學輔導委員會, 工作壓力, 職業倦怠, burnout, Committee of Identification Placement and Consultation about the Special Needs Children, work stress





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