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「華文獨立中學」是馬來西亞《1961年新教育法令》實施後特殊時空下的產物,經過半個世紀,華文獨中仍未被納入馬來西亞國家教育體系之下,成為特殊的獨立教育體系。今日,全馬共有61所華文獨中,由南到北、由東到西,每一所華文獨中的成立背景、經營規模、辦校特色都不盡相同,各有其特色。 隨著時代的變遷、科技的進步以及專業化的要求,華文獨中是否還應該謹守維護民族教育、堅持母語教學的大原則?還是應該與時並進、因地制宜地進行教育改革?進入九十年代至今,隨著國內外局勢的發展變化,許多華文獨中為了符合時代的需求,不得不進行各式各樣的教育改革。 砂拉越州美里省的廉律中學就是在社會環境的壓迫下,於1999年開始進行教育改革,至今已邁入15個年頭。成功的教改,使得廉律中學成為東馬來西亞、甚至全國最具規模、表現最出色的獨中之一。此外,廉中出色的辦學模式,吸引了很多非華裔學生的就讀,使它成為全砂最多非華裔學生的獨中。由此,本文擬就以廉中教改的變革和現況為主要探討,以及教改後所促成的非華裔生就讀現象為輔,除緒論、結論之外,內文共分為三章,對於砂拉越華文教育及廉律中學發展史先行敘介;再分析廉律中學所進行的教育改革;以及非華裔學生融入實況與調適等問題探究。期盼提供吾人對獨中教改和非華裔生在獨中接受教育的現象有進一步的了解或可作參考。
「Chinese Independent School」is the unique product existed after Malaysia implementing「The Education Ordinance,1961」。After half century,ChineseIndependent School has not been included in Malaysia education system and become the independent and special education program。Nowadays,there are 61 Chinese Independent School throughout the country。The background,management scale,specialization of every school is different from one another,and each owns various specialty。 As the era changing,technology improving and the higher demand ofspecialization,can the Chinese Independent School uphold the ethnic education,determine to the principal of mother tongue education?Or does it have to do the education reform based on the new era demand and local circumstances?From the 1990 till now,along with the changing of the domestic and international situation,many Chinese Independent Schools have been doing various education reform to meet the demand of new era。 Located in Miri,Sarawak,Riam Road Secondary School has been reforming its education under the society pressure since 1999。Until now,it has beenimplemented for 15 years。Its successful revolution makes it become one of the most outstanding Chinese Independent School in East Malaysia,even throughout Malaysia and attract many non-Chinese students to study here。The number of thenon-Chinese students is the greatest among the other Chinese Independent School in Sarawak。 Thus,this study is mainly about the education reform of Riam Road Secondary School in Miri and latter is non-Chinese students’ motive to study there aftereducation reform。Besides the introduction and the summary part,the contents are divided to three parts。First,Sarawak Chinese Education and the history of Riam Road Secondary school development。Second,the analysis of education reformimplemented by Riam Road Secondary school。Third,the integration and adaptation of non-Chinese students in the school and the problem。The research will contribute to the further study about the education reform of Chinese Independent School and the situation of non-Chinese students studying in Chinese Independent School inMalaysia。



華文獨中, 教育改革, 砂拉越, 美里廉律中學, 非華裔學生, Chinese Independent School, education reform, Sarawak, Miri Riam Road Secondary School, non-Chinese students





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