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智能障礙學生從高職畢業之後,進入大學的人數逐年升高,目前每學年就讀的人數已經超過千人,但是臺灣關於他們大學學習的研究相當稀少。我邀請畢業於高職特教班並就讀大專院校的10位智能障礙學生,以深度訪談,輔以相關文件與實地觀察的方式,並以能力取向觀點,探究他們決定就讀大學的歷程、就讀大學期間的體驗,以及整理出智能障礙大學生的能力清單。 研究結果分為三個部分,在第一部份呈現10位研究參與者個別的大學故事與脈絡分析。第二部分是智能障礙學生選擇就讀大學時決定的歷程。影響這10位智能障礙學生就讀大學的因素,主要有父母、他人影響、個人夢想等,而母親是其中最重要的影響性人物。研究發現他們大多選擇家裡附近的大學,半數在餐飲管理系就讀。在大學的各方面經驗,10位研究參與者都展現了在大學不同程度的參與,包括在學業、人際關係、資源教室、社團與活動、生活能力與健康、工作等,並提及遇到的困難,尋求協助的歷程,以及能力的增長。他們多對於就讀大學感到滿意,認為就讀大學讓他們學到更多知識,交到許多朋友。第三部分以能力取向的觀點,整理出智能障礙大學生的能力清單,內容包括有知識、認可與尊重、自主、社交關係、經濟機會、積極參與、自信與賦權、健全的身心、情緒、休閒娛樂等10個層面,並討論這些能力牽涉的功能,以及與過去研究的能力清單進行比較。能力清單幫助我們更瞭解智能障礙大學生就讀大學所能獲得的各種機會、培養出來的能力,以及發揮的功能。最後並提出對教育人員、家長、學生及未來研究的建議。 關鍵詞:智能障礙、大學、能力取向
In recent years, more than 1000 students with intellectual disability pursue postsecondary education in Taiwan. However, researches about their experiences in college are rare in local literature. The purposes of this study were to explore the process of how they decided to go to college, what experiences they had in college, and using the concepts of functionings and capabilities developed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum, what capabilities and functionings were expanded or contracted by the college. Ten participants with intellectual disability were recruited in this study. They were either college students at present or had graduated from college. Data were collected from students through in-depth interview, with relevant documents and observation in their college as supplementary resources for analysis. The main findings of the study were discussed in three parts. First, ten stories about college experiences of individual participant were presented with context analyses. Second, the process of their decision and its outcome on going to college was introduced. Mother was obviously the most influential person affecting the decision. While in college, half of them majored in the food and beverage management department. They engaged in many aspects of college life at different levels. They mentioned obstacles confronted and the process of asking for support. Most of them were satisfied with college experience and developed abilities that improved their critical skills academically and socially. Finally, ten dimensions of capabilities are identified and within each of these dimensions a number of valued functionings have been distilled. The capability list included knowledge, recognition and respect, autonomy, economic experience, active participation, confidence and empowerment, healthy in body and mind, emotion, and recreation. In conclusion, the fresh perspective of the capability approach to the empirical study of students with intellectual disability revealed the impact that college experiences have on their lives, especially the expanded capabilities for freedom, power and opportunities that matter to them in their development. Given the findings and analysis of this study, several limitations are acknowledged. Suggestions to educators, parents, and students with intellectual disability are provided, as well as recommendations for further studies. Key words: intellectual disability, college, capability approach



智能障礙, 大學, 能力取向, intellectual disability, college, capability approach





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