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近年來,臺灣酒類市場充滿龐大商機,如何刺激消費者購買與開拓新市場是國內外酒商需要面對的重大課題,在酒商的行銷手法裡,最引起話題的莫過於一些出現在販售酒類商品的餐飲店家與休閒娛樂場所等地的年輕貌美、身形姣好之女性,也就是所謂的「酒促小姐」。多數研究者肯定酒促小姐對消費者購買行為具有正向之影響,酒促小姐本身的個人特質與外在魅力也是影響成效的指標之一,然而,酒促究竟何時於臺灣發跡?酒促小姐如何養成與訓練?其在工作場域中的角色定位又是為何?這些問題,均值得進一步深入探究。為此,本研究透過文獻分析、訪談以及觀察法之研究,結果歸納如下: 一、在臺灣勸酒文化與酒商為了提升業績而悉心經營之下,酒促小姐擔任酒商品牌大使已超過20年以上的歷史。 二、酒促小姐在美女經濟的效力下,透過女性的身體展現,在消費場域中傳遞品牌的訊息,促使酒促小姐具有行動廣告的特性。 三、酒促小姐養成過程不只是職前訓練,透過實戰經驗與彼此分享的模式更形重要。 四、酒促小姐雖被賦予品牌大使的工作概念,但性質屬於業務導向,且同時為銷售和展示的消費符號,還包含接收顧客回應等多功能式行銷工具,酒促小姐對於酒商的產品績效有正向之影響。 五、酒促小姐除服務專業外,也是維持酒商、店家與顧客關係的平衡要素。
In recent years, Taiwan's alcohol market is buoyant. How to stimulate consumption and expand markets are a major issues for the alcohol business. The young and beautiful female, who are called "Promotion Girls", selling alcohols in restaurants and amusement places is a draw attention marketing strategy. Most researchers confirm the Promotion Girl has a positive impact on the consumers buying behavior. The Promotion Girl’s personality and personal charisma are also reasons that affect alcohol sales. However, when did the Promotion Girl appear in the Taiwanese alcohol market? How to train the Promotion Girls? And what is the Promotion Girl’s role in the job field? These questions are worth studying. By means of interviews, literature analysis and observation, the results are summarized as follows: 1. Due to the Taiwanese drinking culture and the alcohol selling, Promotion Girl’s has existed for more than 20 years in Taiwan. 2. Through the effect of the beauty economy, the Promotion Girl delivers the message of brands, and becomes a animated advertisement. 3. The pre-service training for Promotion Girls, is not as more important as their experiences and sharing into within each other. 4. The Promotion Girl was named ‘brand ambassador’. Besides being a symbol of selling and displaying products, they are also receiving customer feedback and acting as multi-function marketing tools. The Promotion Girl has a positive affect on the alcohol market. 5. The Promotion Girl gives not only sales service, but also an important element to maintain a balanced relationship among the alcohol producers, stores and customers.



酒促小姐, 美女經濟, 品牌大使, 行動廣告, Promotion Girl, the beauty economy, brand ambassador, animated advertisement





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