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本研究目的在利用創造思考技法,提升國中學生的寫作能力與興趣,透過新奇、多元、富有創意的方式,使學生樂在學習且更有想像力。 本研究的研究方法是以質性研究方法為主,藉由觀察、文件蒐集、訪談與量表等等方式蒐集資料,進行資料的分析、描述、修正與發展。研究對象是台北市某國中八年級某班的25位學生,利用一學期進行4個單元的創造思考技法融入作文教學。在本研究中,以活潑化、活動化且彈性化的創造思考教學方法進行教學活動,並運用腦力激盪法、屬性列舉法、心智圖法、曼陀羅法等創思技法融入作文教學,以激發學生創造力。 本研究主要發現,在經過一學期的創造思考融入作文教學後,80%學生的寫作能力有顯著的提升,顯示使用創造思考技法對提升學生的作文興趣與能力是有效且可行的,而學生喜歡創造思考技法融入作文教學的原因包含:新奇有趣、容易發揮、可對主題有更深認識等。而在腦力激盪法、屬性列舉法、心智圖法、曼陀羅法中,學生最感興趣且容易使用的為心智圖法,同時研究者也認為心智圖法用在作文教學是最易推行且成效最為顯著的。 本研究透過質性訪談及行動研究的方式,了解創造思考技法融入作文教學對學生的寫作能力是否有提升。而在研究者與學生互動的歷程中,感到學生創意的不可限量,以及創造思考技法確實是現代教學的新希望。期望本研究結果可以作為往後從事創造力或作文教學等相關研究者之參考。
The study aims to enhance junior high school students’ ability and interest in writing by means of integrating creative thinking skills. With innovative, diverse, and creative approaches, it is expected that students enjoy learning and grow more imaginative. The research method is mainly based on qualitative study. The data is collected with observation, data collection, interviews and tables and so on. Then, it is analyzed, described, modified, and developed. The subjects are twenty-five eighth graders in Taipei. Four units of writing classes are conducted and incorporated with creative thinking skills within one semester. In this study, students’ creativity is inspired by the versatile, task-based, and flexible creative thinking method along with the implantation of brainstorming, attribute listing, mind-mapping, mandala thinking. The major finding is that eighty percent students make significant progress in writing after one semester of creative thinking teaching in writing, which indicates that this approach is effective and practical. The reasons why students are fond of the approach are as follows: it’s fun and novel, easy to elaborate, and helps profound understandings on the topics. Of the four skills, students are most interested and most likely to apply is mind-mapping. The researcher also believes that mind-mapping is the easiest to conduct and gains most significant effects. Through qualitative interviews and action research, the study explores the effect of creative thinking teaching in writing on students’ writing performance. During the interactions of researcher and students, students’ creativity is beyond measurements. In consequence, this approach provides a new path to modern writing teaching. It is hoped that the findings can serve as further studies for other researchers on the related domains.



創造思考技法, 寫作教學, 行動研究, 創造思考寫作方案, Integrating creative thinking skills, writing teaching, action research, a lesson plan of incorporating creative thinking skills into writing





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