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摘要 本研究目的在探討彩虹國小智能障礙兒童在融合教育中學習之現況與支援。本研究採質性研究法。資料蒐集方式包括觀察四位智障兒童部分時間融合普通班的上課狀況,並訪談其中的十七位研究參與者以進行了解智障兒童在融合教育中之現況與所需支援。研究參與者包括四位智障兒童及參與研究之十位普通班教師、三位特教班教師、六位特教班學生之家長與彩虹國小校長。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、 智能障礙兒童在融合教育中,在智障兒童與普通班學生的互動方面,智障兒童提昇了其人際互動能力與動作能力,而普通班學生亦由雙方之互動中獲益良多。 二、 學校行政單位提供的支援包括學校行政人員的支援、相關設施的配合、提供人力支援及特教專業知能的推廣等。 三、 特教班老師與普通班老師必須在課程與教學方法方面做部分的調整。 (一) 特教班老師的調整: 1.課程方面:課程內容與普通班銜接、準備課本與學習用具、學習技能的個別指導。 2.教學方面:隨班協助、保持與普通班老師密切聯繫、增加與家長聯繫事項與評量記錄的保存。 (二) 普通班老師的調整: 1.課程方面:調整普通班課程內容、配合特教班的課程、簡化教材。 2.教學方法:做好融合前的準備(包括了解智障兒童學習特質、安排融合課表、人力資源的規劃)、調整座位、不比賽、與智障兒童同組者加分、善用智障兒童的優勢能力、指導語的使用、明確的獎勵、提問技巧、多重感官的學習與評量方式的調整。 四、普通班同儕在精神上的支援包括接納與尊重、鼓勵與讚美、包容及給予智障兒童歸屬感。在實質的支援上包括主動對智障兒童打招呼、帶領智障兒童入班融合及陪伴回班、動作協助、陪伴遊戲、伴讀與作為模仿學習的對象。 五、家長的配合包括:協助預習與複習認知課程以及提供協助以學習休閒教育。 最後本研究根據上述發現,針對主管教育行政機關、學校行政人員、普通班與特教班教師及家長提出相關的建議。 關鍵字:智能障礙兒童、融合教育、學習現況、支援
Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the learning experiences and needs of students with mild mental retardation in the inclusive education program at an elementary school. A qualitative research approach was utilized by this study. The data were collected by participant observation and multiple semi-structured in-depth interviews. The learning behaviors of four children with mild mental disability and the interaction between these children and their regular peers were observed during their part-time inclusive programs. seventeen adults (teachers and parents) were interviewed in order to further understand the supports needed for the four students to fully participate in the inclusive education program. The major findings of this research were as follows: First, the interpersonal skills and mobility skills of the four students with mild mental retardation were improved through interacting with their regular peers. Second, supporting administrative staff, adjustment of surrounding facilities, teaching assistants, and professional knowledge related to special education were needed for the regular education teachers. Third, the curricula and teaching methods needed to be adapted both by special education teachers and regular classroom teachers to enhance the learning of the four students with mild mental retardation. The supports needed by the four students with mild mental retardation also included a sense of belonging, that is, acceptance and respect, encouragement, praise and accommodation. The findings of this research, in addition, indicated that more substantial support needed to be provided by the regular peers such as: Greetings to the four students with mild mental retardation, leading them to participate class activities and accompanying them back to their home rooms, assisting them with completing assignments, inviting them for group play, reading text to them, and being a role model. Parents’ support was also needed, which included: Assisting their children to preview and to review lessons, assisting the children to learn leisure activities. Finally, the implications and suggestions for future research were presented. Keywords: children with mild mental retardation, inclusive education, learning needs, support.



智能障礙兒童, 融合教育, 學習現況, 支援, children with mild mental retardation, inclusive education, learning needs, support





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