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This study combined the concept of guidance hypothesis and motor development to investigate the effects of frequencies in self-controlled knowledge of results (SCKR) and age differences on motor performance, learning and error detection capability. Ninety participants were recruited from children, adults, and older adults. All participants performed a linear position task under the manipulation of SCKR consisting of 60 trials during acquisition phase. According to feedback relative frequency level of acquisition, participants were dived into higher or lower SCKR frequency groups. The dependent variables were the absolute error scores of movement distance (AE), error estimation (︱O-S|), and the frequencies of SCKR. Mixed designed three-way ANOVA (ages frequencies blocks) with repeated measures on blocks during the acquisition phase was used. Independent two-way ANOVA (ages frequencies) was used for immediate and delayed retention test. Moreover, we calculated the frequencies of acquisition phase by mixed designed two- way ANOVA (ages practice phase) with repeated measures on practice phase. The results showed that (1) during acquisition phase, ages and blocks were significantly different (p<.05), in which adults were better than children on AE, and the interaction of ages practice phase was significantly different on frequencies (p<.05); (2) in immediate and delayed retention test, the interactions of ages frequencies were significantly different on AE and on ︱O-S| (p<.05). The conclusion is the optimal frequencies of SCKR to enhance motor performance and learning change with age, and the suggestion is any description of motor skill acquisition must account for the developmental level.
This study combined the concept of guidance hypothesis and motor development to investigate the effects of frequencies in self-controlled knowledge of results (SCKR) and age differences on motor performance, learning and error detection capability. Ninety participants were recruited from children, adults, and older adults. All participants performed a linear position task under the manipulation of SCKR consisting of 60 trials during acquisition phase. According to feedback relative frequency level of acquisition, participants were dived into higher or lower SCKR frequency groups. The dependent variables were the absolute error scores of movement distance (AE), error estimation (︱O-S|), and the frequencies of SCKR. Mixed designed three-way ANOVA (ages frequencies blocks) with repeated measures on blocks during the acquisition phase was used. Independent two-way ANOVA (ages frequencies) was used for immediate and delayed retention test. Moreover, we calculated the frequencies of acquisition phase by mixed designed two- way ANOVA (ages practice phase) with repeated measures on practice phase. The results showed that (1) during acquisition phase, ages and blocks were significantly different (p<.05), in which adults were better than children on AE, and the interaction of ages practice phase was significantly different on frequencies (p<.05); (2) in immediate and delayed retention test, the interactions of ages frequencies were significantly different on AE and on ︱O-S| (p<.05). The conclusion is the optimal frequencies of SCKR to enhance motor performance and learning change with age, and the suggestion is any description of motor skill acquisition must account for the developmental level.
自我控制回饋, 引導假說, 年齡差異, self-controlled feedback, guidance hypothesi, age differences