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本研究主要目的為探討「應用直接教學模式設計自我決策課程」對國小身心障礙學生之學習成效。針對國小五年級安置於桃園市普通班接受資源班服務之智能障礙、自閉症及學習障礙學生各一名,提供為期10週每週四次之實驗教學。所收集之研究資料包括自編之「自我決策檢核評量表」、「自我決策進步量表」、「直接教學模式滿意度問卷」及「直接教學模式意見調查表」,以及常模參照之「學齡學生自我決策量表」,並透過視覺分析摘要表、折線圖及C統計進行分析,探究本研究教學實驗介入成效、維持成效及對直接教學模式的意見。本研究的主要發現如下。 一、從「自我決策檢核評量表」結果顯示,三位受試者整體自我決策皆有顯著之介入成效,其中智能障礙與學習障礙學生在「自我倡導」進步最多,自閉症學生為「自律行為」進步最多;且從「自我決策檢核評量表」、「學齡學生自我決策量表」及「自我決策進步量表」結果得知,三位受試者整體自我決策亦有顯著之維持成效,且以「自我實現」之維持成效最佳。 二、從「自我決策檢核評量表」結果顯示,三位受試者在自主行為有顯著之介入成效,其中在「能根據檢核表分析日常生活與學習活動的選擇結果」的指標進步最多,且自閉症之個案在「能知道自己的選擇對長期目標之影響與重要性」有明顯之進步;從「自我決策檢核評量表」、「學齡學生自我決策量表」及「自我決策進步量表」評量結果得知,三位受試者在自主行為亦有顯著之維持成效。 三、從「自我決策檢核評量表」結果顯示,三位受試者在自律行為有顯著之介入成效,且皆在「能說出達成目標紀錄表內容項目」與「設定自己想要達成的目標」的指標進步最多;從「自我決策檢核評量表」、「學齡學生自我決策量表」及「自我決策進步量表」評量結果得知,三位受試者在自律行為亦有顯著之維持成效,僅在「自我決策檢核評量表」中,智能障礙與自閉症學生於「能設定達成具體標準」的指標平均得分有些微退步。 四、從「自我決策檢核評量表」結果顯示,三位受試者在自我倡導有顯著之介入成效,且皆在指標「能說出自己相關證明的意義與優缺點」與「能說出自己相關會議的目的」進步最多;從「自我決策檢核評量表」、「學齡學生自我決策量表」及「自我決策進步量表」評量結果得知,三位受試者在自我倡導亦有顯著之維持成效。 五、從「自我決策檢核評量表」結果顯示,三位受試者在自我實現有顯著之介入成效,且均在「能說出與接受自己的體格樣貌」的指標進步最多;從「自我決策檢核評量表」、「學齡學生自我決策量表」及「自我決策進步量表」評量結果得知,三位受試者在自我實現亦有顯著之維持成效,僅在「自我決策檢核評量表」中,智能障礙與自閉症學生於「能知道自己在身體上的限制」的指標上平均得分有些微退步。 六、從「直接教學模式滿意度問卷」與「直接教學模式意見調查表」結果顯示,三位受試者與兩位特教教師對直接教學模式之三項要素皆表達滿(同)意以上之程度。其中在教學設計之「給予正負教學範例」、教學組織之「立即修正學生錯誤的地方」及教學技術之「增強制度方式」更皆給予非常滿(同)意之評價。 根據上述研究結果,研究者並提出未來對教學與研究的建議。
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of utilization Direct Instruction (DI) designed self-determination curriculum to elementary students with disabilities. The single-subject multiple-probe design across behaviors was adopted in this study. Three 5th grade resource classroom students, each with intellectual disabilities, autism and learning disabilities, received 10 weeks’ self-determination lessons in this study. Data were collected through self-edited instruments including “Self- Determination Checklists Scale” (SDCS), “Self-Determination Improvement Scale” (SDIS) and analyzed by graphic method and C statistics during the intervention and maintenance periods. Also, “DI Satisfaction Inventory” (DI-SI) for students, “DI Feedback Inventory (DI-FI)” for resource room teachers, and the norm-referenced “SAS Self-Determination Scale” (SAS-SDS) were administered after the maintenance period. Major findings were as follows. 1. The results of “SDCS” revealed significant intervention effects on all four self-determination areas. The student with intellectual disabilities and the student with learning disabilities had better performance in “psychological empowerment”. The autism student, however, had better performances in “self-regulation”. Also, the results of the “SDCS”, “SAS-SDS”, and “SDIS” indicated significant maintenance effects on the four self-determination areas’ performances. Among them, “self-realization” was the best one. 2. The results of “SDCS” revealed significant intervention effects on “autonomy” area. Three elementary students with disabilities all had better performances in the competent indicator of “I can analyze the daily life and learning activity choices outcomes after using checklist”. Besides, the autism student also had better performance in the competent indicator of “I can understand the importance and influence of the choices for my long-term goals”. In addition, the results of the “SDCS”, “SAS-SDS”, and “SDIS” all revealed significant maintenance effects on “autonomy”. 3. The results of “SDCS” showed significant intervention effects on “self-regulation”. Three elementary students with disabilities all had better performances in the competent indicators of “I can tell the contents of achieving goals record “and “I can set the goals which I want”. Also, the results of the “SDCS”, “SAS-SDS”, and “SDIS” all revealed significant maintenance effects on “self-regulation”. The performances of the students with intellectual disabilities and autism, however, had a little decline in the indicator of “I can set the specific standards”. 4. The results of “SDCS” revealed significant intervention effects on “psychological empowerment”. Three elementary students with disabilities all had better performances in the competent indicators of “I can tell the meaning, advantage, and shortcoming of my related documents” and “I can tell the purposes of my related meetings. Besides, the results of the “SDCS”, “SAS-SDS”, and “SDIS” also revealed significant maintenance effects on “psychological empowerment”. 5. The results of “SDCS” revealed significant intervention effects on “self-realization”. They all had better performances in the competent indicators of “I can tell and accept my physical appearance”. Also, the results of the “SDCS”, “SAS-SDS”, and “SDIS” all revealed significant maintenance effects on “self-realization”. It also was shown that students with intellectual disabilities and autism both had a little decline in the indicator of “I knew my physical limitations”. 6. Both the ratings from “DI-SI” and “DI-FI” showed that subjects were and their resource room teachers satisfied with DI’s design. All of them gave the highest rating on “giving positive and negative teaching examples”, “correcting errors immediately”, and “providing reinforcement system”. Based on the above results, some suggestions were made for future implementations.



直接教學模式, 能力指標, 自我決策課程, 國小身心障礙學生, Direct Instruction, self-determination curriculum, competence indicators, elementary students with disabilities





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