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融合式體育課之水中活動對注意力缺陷過動症 (ADHD) 學生游泳學習與人際關係有正面的影響,本研究以個案研究方式進行探討,研究對象為一位ADHD國中學生,主要透過融合式體育課融入普通班級水中活動,課程設計為每節九十分鐘,每週一節,共計八週。質性資料透過訪談、學習單及教學日誌,進行檢核、分析歸納整理;量化資料以游泳能力評量與同儕評量問卷,所得資料以描述性統計分析呈現。研究結果發現:一、水中活動介入對ADHD學生,在游泳學習方面,評量完成百分比前三級介於90-100%,第四級至第七級介於55-85%,評量五分等級前三級介於4-5分,第四級至第七級介於2-5分。二、導師表示於水中活動介入後,ADHD學生的人際關係有明顯的改善。三、同儕表示於水中活動介入後,ADHD學生的人際關係方面有改善,同儕提名負向前測介於11-20次,後測介於6-9次,同儕評等前測總分為49分,後測總分為67分。根據本研究結果,建議未來的研究宜規劃較長時間的介入水中活動,以便能更進一步觀察水中活動對ADHD學生的游泳學習及人際關係的變化。
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of water activities on an attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) secondary male student’s swimming learning and his interpersonal relationship with other people. The participant, an ADHD student, was required to take part in a deliberately designed water activity program with other non-ADHD students in an inclusive setting. The program lasted for eight weeks, one class per week and ninety minutes per class. Both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were used in this study. Qualitative data were collected by interviews, learning sheets and teaching diaries and analyzed using constant comparion method. The swimming test and peer evaluation inventory were used to evaluate the participant’s swimming ability and interpersonal relationship. Descriptive statistics analysis was used for the quantitative data. The results were (1) Significant improvement was found on the participant’s swimming ability. The participant achieved 90-100% for the first 3 levels with a score of 4-5 points; 55-85% for 4th to 7th levels with a score of 2-5 points. (2) The participant’s homeroom teacher suggested that his interpersonal relationahip with classmates was improved after the water activity program. (3) The participant’s classmates also suggested that they got along with him better after the program. The participant was nominated 11-20 times for the pretest with a score of 49 points; 6-9 times for the posttest with a score of 67 points. Based on the result findings, it was evidenced that engaging in water activities showed positive effects on participant’s swimming learning and his interpersonal relationship with people. Further studies are suggested to investigate the effects of water activities for longer period of time.



水中活動, 注意力缺陷過動症, 游泳學習, 人際關係, Water activities, ADHD, swimming learning, interpersonalrelationship





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