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科技化教學應用於體育教學可以藉由多媒體影片刺激學生視覺記憶,同時藉由網路 資源來擴充課程教材。本研究希望探討科技化教學應用在流行舞蹈體育課,對於學生學 習動機和學習滿意度的影響,了解不同背景學生的學習動機及學習滿意度有無差異,以 及學習動機和學習滿意度的相關情形。以東吳大學及世新大學四個流行舞蹈體育課班級 學生為研究對象,將多媒體投影片、數位攝影機、Youtube 影音平台、教學部落格及 Facebook 粉絲團等科技化教學工具應用於流行舞蹈體育課當中,進行十四週的科技化教 學。本研究以問卷調查法探討學習動機的變化、學習滿意度的情形及學習動機和學習滿 意度之間的關係。學習動機包括一般益處、專業期望與深度感受。學習滿意度包括科技 化教學、課程整體內容與課後學習。
研究結果顯示學生的整體學習動機前後測有顯著差異,其中一般益處和深度感受兩 構面呈現顯著提昇,整體學習滿意度各構面都呈現高度滿意。曾經在教學網站留言的學 生,其學習動機一般益處和深度感受兩構面顯著高於不曾留言的學生。在其他學科有過 數位學習經驗的學生,其學習滿意度的科技化教學和課後學習構面顯著高於沒有數位學 習經驗的學生。較常瀏覽課程教學網站的學生,在學習動機的一般益處構面及學習滿意 度的各構面都顯著高於不常瀏覽課程教學網站的學生。學習動機和學習滿意度各構面之 間呈現顯著正相關。
Science and technology teaching is applied to different learning areas. The multimedia content in the teaching of sports affect the students' visual memory, and the network resources can expand the curriculum materials. The main objective of this research is to understand the effect of learning motivation and learning satisfaction. In this study, multimedia slides, digital camera, Youtube video platform, teaching blog and Facebook fan groups, and other technological teaching tools are used in popular dance class at Soochow University and Shih-Hsin University. After 14-week technology teaching, a questionnaire explore the changes of learning motivation and learning satisfaction, and the relationship between learning motivation and learning satisfaction. The results showed that the average learning motivation and general benefits and the depth of feeling dimensions is enhanced. The overall learning satisfaction dimensions are highly satisfied. There were significant differences in the learning satisfaction between students who has e-learning experience or not. There were significant difference in learning motivation between students who ever leave messages on teaching website or not. Students who visit the teaching website more, the dimensions of the general benefits of learning motivation and learning satisfaction dimensions are significantly higher than the students do not often visit the teaching website. There is a significant positive correlation between learning motivation and learning satisfaction dimensions.
Science and technology teaching is applied to different learning areas. The multimedia content in the teaching of sports affect the students' visual memory, and the network resources can expand the curriculum materials. The main objective of this research is to understand the effect of learning motivation and learning satisfaction. In this study, multimedia slides, digital camera, Youtube video platform, teaching blog and Facebook fan groups, and other technological teaching tools are used in popular dance class at Soochow University and Shih-Hsin University. After 14-week technology teaching, a questionnaire explore the changes of learning motivation and learning satisfaction, and the relationship between learning motivation and learning satisfaction. The results showed that the average learning motivation and general benefits and the depth of feeling dimensions is enhanced. The overall learning satisfaction dimensions are highly satisfied. There were significant differences in the learning satisfaction between students who has e-learning experience or not. There were significant difference in learning motivation between students who ever leave messages on teaching website or not. Students who visit the teaching website more, the dimensions of the general benefits of learning motivation and learning satisfaction dimensions are significantly higher than the students do not often visit the teaching website. There is a significant positive correlation between learning motivation and learning satisfaction dimensions.
流行舞蹈, 科技化教學, 學習動機, 學習滿意度, street dance, e-learning, learning motivation, learning satisfaction