
dc.contributorDr.Wu-Tien Wuen_US
dc.contributor.authorTao-Yu Wuen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 國際科學奧林匹亞競賽(The International Science Olympiad; ISO)是國際間為發掘與鼓勵中學階段優秀的科學人才,每年由組成會員國輪流舉辦之科學競賽活動。 本研究旨在針對1991~1996年間,代表我國參與「國際數學/化學/物理奧林匹克競賽」的參賽選手合計76人,追蹤他們現階段的發展;除了解參賽選手的現況之外,同時提出「我國科學奧林匹亞參賽選手追蹤研究架構」,探究影響科學專業發展的相關因素,進而提供國內培訓與資優教育的參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,總計寄出問卷76份,回收39份,有效回收率為51%。研究者另行訪談了五名個案,針對他們各自的發展軌跡,補充量化資料無法深入議題的缺失。此外,研究者亦納入前一次追蹤研究的填答資料(見吳武典、陳昭地,1996,1997),以因素分析法找出可能的影響變項,再探討可能影響參賽選手專業成就發展之因素。研究結果發現: 1. 具備優異學術能力的參賽選手,大都能順利取得高級學位。 2. 大多數參賽選手對科學的興趣及學習的成就感在高中時達到頂峰。 3. 參賽選手選擇職業時,主要仍與大學或研究所就讀之科系有關。 4. 絕大多數的參賽手對現職感到滿意,亦對自己的學業與事業感到滿意。 5. 參賽選手在學術性產出方面,仍偏重於學術性論文。 6. 大多數的參賽選手認為「興趣」是取得專業成就最重要的因素。 7. 影響參賽選手專業成就的重要人物為大學或研究所的指導教授。 8. 在生涯發展上,參賽選手同樣需要他人的協助。 9. 專業成就的發展與人格特質有顯著的關聯。 10. 參賽經驗讓參賽選手對自己的能力有更清楚的認識。 11. 外在誘因的運用應更審慎,避免產生「過度辨證」的不良效應。 根據研究結果,研究者提出七項建議如下: 1. 鼓勵參賽選手多去探索不同的領域,找出真正感興趣之目標。 2.擴大奧林匹亞競賽之學校參與層面。 3.加強大學端對於參賽選手的輔導。 4.未來研究時樣本應增加。 5.專業發展成就指標應擴及非學術研究領域。 6.各單項競賽於年度選訓營開始時,即可同時進行對照研究,建立參賽選手基本資料 。 7.未來在研究中應再區別各類影響變項之正負向影響效應。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The International Science Olympiad ( ISO) includes international academic competitions in mathematics, chemistry, physics, etc. annually. It is sponsored by membership countries in turn to encourage senior high school students to develop their science potential. The purpose of this study was to follow-up the 1991-1996 Taiwan ISO representatives and to explore factors related to their professional development in science. A questionnaire survey was conducted for all 1991-1996 Taiwan Olympiad representatives in math, chemistry, and physics. Thirty-nine out of 76 subjects responded, the effective return rate was 51%. In addition, five subjects were selected for in-depth interview. The collected data were combined with previous studies conducted by Wu and Chan (1996, 1997) and factor analyzed to explore related factors. Results of this study were as the following: 1. Most Olympians had earned Ph.D. for the time being. 2. Most Olympians’ interest in science and sense of achievement reached the highest level at senior high stage. 3. The Olympians’ career choices were closely related to their majors in college or graduate school. 4. Most Olympians were satisfied with their current jobs and also satisfied with their academic and career achievement. 5. Most Olympians’ academic products were published in journals. 6. Most Olympians perceived“interest”as the most important factor to their professional achievement. 7. The most significant others of the Olympians’ professional achievement were their advisors in college or graduate school. 8. Some kinds of assistance were needed in career development process according to the subjects. 9. The Olympians’ personality characteristics were significantly related to their professional achievement. 10. The ISO experience did help the Olympians for a better understanding of their competences. 11. External incentives for the Olympians should be carefully used to avoid “over justification” side effect. Based on the research findings, suggestions are as the following: 1. Encouraging the Olympians to explore interests in different fields. 2. Expending the participation of senior high schools in ISO. 3. Strengthening college’s counseling services to the Olympians. 4. Increasing sample size in future studies. 5. Expending the professional achievement index from academic areas to non-academic fields. 6. Collecting data of the Olympians and setting a comparative group right at the beginning of the Olympiad camps. 7. Distinguishing the positive and negative impact factors on the Olympiad in future studies.en_US
dc.subjectInternational Science Olympiaden_US
dc.subjectthe Olympiansen_US
dc.subjectfollow-up studyen_US
dc.subjectquestionnaire surveyen_US
dc.subjectprofessional achievementen_US
dc.titleA follow-up study of professional development of science Olympians of R.O.C. –The 1991~1996 representativesen_US


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