職業棒球隊促銷策略之研究-以La New熊All For Fans為例

dc.description.abstract職業棒球隊促銷策略之研究--以La New熊All For Fans 為例 完成年月:2009年6月 研 究 生:陳杰成 指導教授:鄭志富 中文摘要 本研究主要是在探討La New熊實施All For Fans促銷策略後,至場觀賞職業棒球賽事之球迷所體驗到的滿意程度,進而讓消費者產生購買球隊商品意願,以提供球團日後在訂定促銷策略、拓展商品特色上之參酌點。研究對象共計1050位現場觀眾球迷,以「La New熊All For Fans促銷策略滿意度與購買意願問卷調查問卷」為本研究之工具。統計方法以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等方法處理,所得結論如下: 一、現場球迷以男性較多,年齡為21-30歲族群;教育程度方面以專科佔絕大多數,職業是以學生最多;月收入以15,000元以下為主,其中是「La New熊隊的會員」的球迷超過半數。 二、現場球迷對於La New熊球團實施All For Fans促銷策略後,所感受到的滿意度評價是介於「滿意」到「很滿意」之間。 三、現場球迷對La New熊球團實施All For Fans促銷策略後的購買意願評價,經研究發現高雄地區球迷的購買意願最高,臺南地區則是最低,顯示主場經營的策略受到球迷的支持。 四、現場球迷對La New熊球團實施All For Fans促銷活動後之滿意程度,於性別、年齡、教育程度、月收入及是否為La New熊隊會員球迷等背景變項有顯著差異存在,而不論是否為熊隊會員的球迷對於球團所舉辦的系列活動均相當重視。 五、現場球迷對La New熊實施All For Fans促銷活動後之商品購買意願,於性別、年齡、教育程度、月收入及是否為La New熊隊會員球迷等背景變項有顯著差異存在,其中La New熊球團所舉辦的球迷系列活動更是影響球迷商品購買意願的重要因素。 經本研究發現,La New熊在實施All For Fans促銷策略之後,現場球迷觀眾均滿意球團所實施的促銷活動,同時也增加了球迷購買球隊商品之意願。因此建議職棒球團要重視適當的促銷策略,進一步提供完善的服務措施,並明確掌握球迷需求,同時發展屬地主義的在地化經營策略,以增進球團經營之績效。 關鍵詞:中華職棒大聯盟、La New熊、促銷策略、購買意願、滿意度zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe research was to find the satisfaction of baseball audience who came to the stadium for games after La New Bears Professional Baseball Team carried out the marketing plan: All for Fans, and further to discover whether or not the plan could increase the team’s purchasing sales. The subjects of this study were 1050 participants who answered to a questionnaire concerning the satisfaction of promotion strategies and purchasing intention concerning La New Bears Professional Baseball Team Marketing Slogan: All for Fans. The Statistics methods used in this research were descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA. The results are as follows: 1. Among the spectators, most of them were males, 21-30 years old, junior college students, with monthly income less than NT$15,000 dollars, and fans supporting La New Bears baseball team. 2. As for the satisfaction with La New Bears All for Fans, the result indicated that on-site spectators showed the greatest degree of satisfaction. 3. As for purchasing intention value, spectator responses show that Kaohsiung fans more expected to purchase the product. It can be judged from the result that La New Bears enjoyed a great success in the marketing strategies. 4. The result showed that spectators of the variants in gender, age, education, monthly income, and fans status of La New Bears baseball team had a significant influence on La New Bears Marketing Plan: All for Fans. Regardless of members always satisfy the series on La New Bears promo activity. 5. As for product purchasing intention of spectators with different variants after La New Bears carried out All for Fans, spectators of the variants in gender, age, education background, monthly income, and fans status of La New Bears baseball team had a significant influence, and to hold fans activity it also influence fans purchasing intention. According to the study, there is a close relationship between the fans satisfaction degree and the promotional activities of La New Bears’ All for Fans, and the degree of the fans’ purchasing willingness, it also increase the product selling. Therefore, suggest La New Bears attach importance to promotion activity, and providing perfect services, and known the fans needs. Moreover, development local fans managing to increase the enterprise performance.en_US
dc.subjectLa New熊zh_TW
dc.subjectChinese Professional Baseball Leagueen_US
dc.subjectLa New Bears Professional Baseball Teamen_US
dc.subjectPromotion Strategyen_US
dc.subjectPurchasing Intentionen_US
dc.subjectPromotion Satisfactionen_US
dc.title職業棒球隊促銷策略之研究-以La New熊All For Fans為例zh_TW

