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本研究旨在瞭解參與台北市國中技藝教育學程學生學習滿意度傾向,與不同背景變項學生學習滿意度的差異情形。研究方式採用問卷調查法,以台北市參與技藝教育班國三學生共601名為研究對象進行調查。期能根據研究之結果,提出對辦理技藝教育學程的教育行政機關及學校之建議。問卷實施共發出問卷 800份,得有效問卷 601 份,有效回收率為74.5 %。獲得資料經過分析整理後,使用百分比、平均數、次數分配、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費法事後比較等統計方法。根據研究的結果,歸納出下列結論: 一、參與技藝教育學程學生整體學習滿意度偏高。 二、台北市國中技藝教育學程學生在學習滿意度總體表現及「教師教學」、「課程教材」、「設備器材」、「學習環境」、「學習成效」、「人際關係」等六個學習滿意度因素構面均有顯著差異。 三、對學習滿意度影響較顯著的背景變項有「學業成績」、「選讀原因」、「學習動機」等三項。 四、性別、選讀職群、畢業後規劃、父母親的教育程度與學習滿意度無顯著相關。 五、不同學業成績在「學習成效」因素構面之學習滿意度,「70-79分」>「59分以下」。 六、不同選讀原因在「整體表現」學習滿意度,「自己決定」>「老師輔導後選擇」及「受同學朋友影響」。 七、不同學習動機在「整體表現」上,「符合自己的興趣」及「為學習習一技之長」>「好奇想嘗試」及「其它」的學生;「好奇想嘗試」>「其它」。
This study is to understand the level of student learning satisfaction and to compare its relation to the student’s background in junior high school practical art educational program in Taipei city. A questionnaire method is used to collect data. 601 junior high school students are selected and asked to fill out the questionnaire survey. The result of this study is to provide suggestions based on the research result to practical arts education for the authorities and educational administration. A total of 800 questionnaires are made, and the reliable samples are 601. The valid rate is 74.5 %.。The results of the survey are used for data analysis. The statistic methods include percentage, mean value, frequency distribution, t-test, Pearson’s product – moment correlation, one - way analysis of variance and Scheffe’ method for post eriori comparison. Based on the statistical analysis, the results are concluded as follows: 1. The total learning satisfaction of the students who are taking practical arts education are high. 2. There is a significant difference between the total learning satisfcation of students studying in practical arts education in Taipei city and the six factors- pedagogy, instructional materials, facilities, environment, achievement, and interpersonal relationship -that influence student learning satisfaction. 3. Three significant factors that influence learning satisfaction are grade, reason, and motivation. 4. The study doesn’t show any relations among gender, programs, plans after graduation, and parent’s educational level. 5. Students with 70-79 grades have higher learning satisfaction compare to students with 59 grades and below. 6. The reason to student personal choice is higher than student counseling and peer influence. 7. The motivation to student interest and learning techniques are higher than curiosity and others; Curiosity is higher than others.



技藝教育, 技藝教育學程, 學習滿意度, Practical Art Education, Technical Arts Educational Program, Learning Satisfaction





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