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依據臺北市教育局所發布的資料,「臺北市歷年學校概況總表」來看,在相距不到10年的時間,國民小學學生人數減少了39,099人。可見少子化造成減班超額的情形在臺北市是很明顯的。休閒參與可以調適工作壓力,也可降低焦慮程度。本研究目的為瞭解臺北市國小教師工作壓力、休閒參與及焦慮程度之情形;並分析臺北市國小教師人口背景變項在工作壓力、休閒參與及焦慮程度之差異。本研究採問卷調查法,共蒐集470 份有效問卷,利用描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析資料。研究結果顯示人口背景變項在部分工作壓力、休閒參與與焦慮程度上有差異存在。臺北市國小教師工作壓力介於中度到嚴重壓力之間,以少子化壓力最為嚴重。由此建議政府機關及教育相關單位,擬定解決少子化減班超額問題之方案,以降低臺北市國小教師工作壓力。休閒參與的構面當中,教師選擇參與運動類型之休閒活動的頻率仍低,建議學校或教育行政機關應增設運動的場地與設施,並適時舉辦運動相關活動,提高教師運動的機會。臺北市國小教師的焦慮程度屬於很少焦慮,但是工作壓力和焦慮程度之間呈現正相關,而學校規模愈大教師工作壓力愈大,因此建議教育行政機關加強對國小教師之輔導。
According to the master list of schools over the years of Taipei City, it lost 39,099 students in less than ten years. Therefore it was obviously to find that the low birth rate by class over was serious in Taipei City. Leisure participation could moderate job stress and reduce anxiety. The purposes of this study were to indentify primary school teachers in Taipei City’ job stress, leisure participation and anxiety, to analyze the different anxiety toward primary school teachers in Taipei City, to investigate the relationship among job stress, leisure participation and anxiety. This study collected 470 effective questionnaires.Data were analyzed by utilizing descriptive statisticsand one-way ANOVA.. Base on the results, suggestion was primary school teachers in Taipei City could try to participate in as more sport activities as possible.Because it benefited to moderate job stress and reduce anxiety.
According to the master list of schools over the years of Taipei City, it lost 39,099 students in less than ten years. Therefore it was obviously to find that the low birth rate by class over was serious in Taipei City. Leisure participation could moderate job stress and reduce anxiety. The purposes of this study were to indentify primary school teachers in Taipei City’ job stress, leisure participation and anxiety, to analyze the different anxiety toward primary school teachers in Taipei City, to investigate the relationship among job stress, leisure participation and anxiety. This study collected 470 effective questionnaires.Data were analyzed by utilizing descriptive statisticsand one-way ANOVA.. Base on the results, suggestion was primary school teachers in Taipei City could try to participate in as more sport activities as possible.Because it benefited to moderate job stress and reduce anxiety.
國小教師, 工作壓力, 休閒參與, 焦慮, primary school teachers, job stress, leisure participation, anxiety