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中文詞素覺識能力是掌握詞彙的基本能力之一能協助理解字詞及語句意義,是閱讀學習中影響詞彙知識的重要能力之一。本研究使用中文詞素覺識訓練軟體融入教學,透過詞彙成長測驗及 詞素覺識測驗的前後測成績進行比較,探討弱讀生詞素覺識能力及詞彙知識的變化 。使用準實驗研究法 採等組前後測設計,針對屏東縣特殊偏遠地區學校 40名弱讀學生,控制智商、感官功能、識字量及閱讀能力20名實驗組於一般補救教學中融入 中文 詞素覺識教學 ,並輔以中文詞素覺識訓練軟體進行課程 ,另 20名 控制組僅進行一般補救教學,不進行任何詞素覺識教學介入 ;介入時間為 12週,每週介入兩次,每次40分鐘。 研究使用 Repeated 2 × 2 ANOVAs 探討在組 別與介入時間 二因子變異數分析之下,兩組學童在前 、 後測的進步幅度是否達到交互作用,並使用觀察紀錄和軼事記錄等了解學生在過程中的反應。 研究結果顯示 在接受 12週教學介入後,實驗組在常見字流暢性測驗 及詞素覺識測驗的前後測進步情形顯著高於控制組;在詞彙成長測驗表現上,實驗組及控制組皆進步,但進步幅度沒有達到顯著 。
Morphological Awareness (MA) is fundamental for vocabulary learning, which can help students to understand the meaning of words and sentences. Based on the theory of statistical learning, we have designed a computerized training program of Chinese morphological awareness for Grade four students with underachievement in Chinese reading. The quasi-experimental research method was used. The pretest-posttest design was adopted. In the remote areas of Pingtung, 40 poor readers control variables-the IQ, literacy level and sensory functions. There were 20 poor readers in each group. The experimental group received MA training during general remedial teaching. The control group only received general remedial teaching. The 12 weeks interventions were given twice a week with 40 minutes each time. The study used Repeated 2 × 2 ANOVAs to investigate the interaction between the pre- and post-test under the two-way ANOVAs of group and intervention time. The results showed that the experimental group's pre- and post-test progresses in the Sight Word Reading Fluency Test and Morpheme Awareness Test were significantly higher than the control group. Both group improved in the Vocabulary Growth Test, but the improvement in the two groups was not statistically significant.



偏遠地區, 弱讀生, 多媒體教學, 詞彙知識, 詞素覺識, remote areas, poor reader, multimedia instruction, vocabulary knowledge, Morphological Awareness





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