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足球比賽為了勝利,必須得分,而為了得分則需要不斷地產生射門,創造射門的機會大致可分為組織攻擊、個人盤帶、定位球等。一次成功且優異的進攻戰術可以創造射門得分的機會,但必須搭配最適切的射門方式,才能完成一次進攻得分,因此,本研究目的旨在探討美國女子最高層級職業聯賽的不同射門時間、進攻戰術及射門方式,對於得分之影響。方法:以2016年第四屆NWSL美國職業女子足球聯賽為研究資料,共計91場比賽,1161次進攻射門、149顆進球,紀錄員為兩名大專院校甲組女足選手,以Simi Scout紀錄最接近射門的進攻戰術,觀察射門時間及射門方式並記錄是否得分。以SPSS 23.0進行卡方適合度考驗及卡方列聯表分析,統計考驗顯著水準α=.05。結果:1.上半場加時延長賽對於進球有較高的關聯性。2.遠柱橫傳及近柱橫傳對於進球有較高的關聯性。3.單刀射門、輕挑射門及其他射門對於進球有較高的關聯性。4.中路進攻以穿越傳球搭配單刀射門或輕挑射門,傳球、交叉傳球及回傳球搭配抽射;邊路進攻以近柱橫傳搭配抽射及輕挑射門;邊路空中球則以邊路吊中搭配頭頂射門有較高的關聯性。結論:以射門比例來說,第四屆NWSL聯賽中,邊路吊中搭配頭頂射門有較高的射門次數。未來將收集更多不同國際女子足球比賽之比賽資料紀錄並進行分析。
Scoring goals is a key factor in winning soccer matches. In order to score goals, attacking players needs to constantly create shooting opportunities. Shooting opportunities can be broadly divided into team tactics, individual dribbling skills, and dead ball situations. A successful offensive tactics can create opportunities to score goals but must have appropriate shooting techniques to score. The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of different offensive tactics and shooting techniques on scoring in the highest level of women’s soccer, the National Women’s Soccer League. Method: The last offensive tactics before shooting, the game time of shooting, the shooting techniques as well as shooting results from 91 games 1161 offensive shooting, 149 goals of 2016 NWSL were recorded by 2 female collegiate division I soccer players using Simi Scout software. Chi-square tests of goodness of fit and Chi-square tests of independence were used for statistical analyses. The statistical significant level was set to α =.05. Results: 1. There was a high association between the goal and the first 15 minutes of the overtime. 2. There were high associations between the goal and both cross passes to far-post and cross passes to near-post. 3. Breakaway shot, chip shot, and other shots had high associations with goals. 4. Central offenses were executed mainly with through passes followed by breakaway shots or chip shots, with general passes, exchange passes, or passes back followed by driven shots; side offenses were executed mainly with cross passes to near-post followed by driven shots and chip shots; side air offenses was mainly executed with side loft passes toward the penalty area followed by headshots. Conclusions: In NWSL, the highest shooting percentage was from side loft passes towards the penalty area followed by headers. Future studies should continue to analyze more and a variety of international women’s soccer games.



美國女子職業足球聯賽, 比賽表現分析, 進攻戰術, women’s professional soccer league, performance analysis, offensive tactics





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