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本研究旨在瞭解大專院校桌球運動員知覺教練家長式領導對團隊凝聚力影響之研究,並以同儕關係為中介因子來檢視其影響關係。研究對象為460名臺灣地區公開組及一般組大專院校桌球運動員,並以家長式領導、團隊凝聚力與同儕關係之量表為研究工具進行資料調查收集,共回收407份有效問卷。根據調查所蒐集之資料,以描述性統計、驗證性因素分析與階層迴歸等統計方式進行資料分析。結果發現: 一、大專院校桌球運動員知覺教練較多「才德領導」;此外,大專院校桌球運動員之團隊凝聚力主要以「團隊適應」為形成因素。而在同儕關係方面,運動員對於「信守諾言」感受最高。二、相關情形大專院校桌球運動員知覺教練家長式領導中的「才德領導」與同儕關係中的「信守諾言」、「情感依賴」及「社交技巧」皆呈現顯著正相關;此外,同儕關係中「信守諾言」、「情感依賴」及「社交技巧」等三個構面皆與團隊凝聚力中的四個構面有顯著正相關三、同儕關係在教練家長式領導行為對團隊凝聚力產生部分中介效果。運動團隊中不僅只有教練與選手之相處,而選手間的互動亦是影響團隊的重要因素,因此,教練在帶隊過程中應選擇適當的領導行為提領選手,並關注選手間之關係,依循選手狀況給予適時關照,將選手彼此間關係視為重要一環,使選手擁有良好之同儕關係,視團隊目標為核心,進而增加團隊凝聚力。針對未來研究,建議採用量化研究輔以質性訪談的方式進行探討,以縱貫研究觀察運動員相處過程及互動行為,做更深入之探究。
This study aims to discuss the influence of a paternalistic leadership style employed by coaches on the team cohesion of college table tennis players, as well as study the causality between the above two factors with peer relationship as a mediator. The subjects of this study are 460 Taiwanese collegiate table tennis players from the open category and the general category. The main research tool is a scale designed to study the relationship among paternalistic leadership, team cohesion, and peer relationship. 407 valid questionnaire samples were collected for analysis. Statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, and hierarchical regression were used to analysis the data collected. Below are our findings: One, most collegiate table tennis players think their coaches "lead by virtues and skills". In addition, team cohesion among collegiate table tennis players is primarily forged by new players' "adaptation to the team culture". In terms of peer relation, the players rate "keeping promises" as the most important factor. Two, collegiate table tennis players are aware that the paternalistic leadership style of their coaches, based on the coaches' virtues and skills, have a direct correlation with the factors of "keeping promises", "emotional dependence", and "social skills" in their peer relationships. Furthermore, the above 3 factors in peer relationships are directly correlated to the 4 factors explored in team cohesion. Three, peer relationships are a partial mediator of how a paternalistic leadership style can affect team cohesion. In a sports team, besides interactions between the players and their coach, the interactions among the players themselves also play a crucial role on the team dynamics. Hence, in the course of building a team, coaches should select appropriate team captains to lead their peers, and also pay attention to the peer relationships within the team so as to step in at key moments to care for the players and address any concerns they might have. Coaches ought to place great emphasis on the peer relationships within the team as part of building a strong team and help the players to achieve a strong sense of camaraderie. This way, the players would gravitate towards the common goals of the team, and the team cohesion would be further enhanced. Suggestions for future research include a quantitative approach supplemented by qualitative methodology, such as the incorporation of interviews with research subjects, and longitudinal studies that focus on the interactions and relationships among players, so as to derive a more in-depth understanding of this issue.



家長式領導, 團隊凝聚力, 同儕關係, 大專院校桌球選手, 中介變項, paternalistic leadership, team cohesion, peer relationship, collegiate table tennis players, mediating effect





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