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本研究以字幕翻譯中進英為例,比較譯出母語的中文母語譯者和譯入母 語的英文母語譯者,這兩者的翻譯成果有何不同。首先邀請譯者為一段中文影片翻譯中文字幕,之後觀察兩種譯者使用簡化策略的方式、種類以及頻率,最後將兩者的字幕翻譯呈獻給非中文母語的觀眾觀看,最後訪問觀眾對於兩種字幕分別有何看法。 本研究邀請總計12 位譯者,中文母語以及英文母語譯者各半,待譯者完成翻譯工作後,筆者以前人整理之簡化策略分類表檢視之。接著將12 譯者的字幕翻譯分組,分組方式為譯出母語字幕與譯入母語字幕兩兩配對,總共6 組。每組 邀請4 位非中文母語觀眾搭配原先的影片觀看,其中2 位觀眾先觀看配有譯出母語字幕的影片,之後觀看配有譯入母語字幕的同一部影片,另外2 位觀眾的收看順序則相反。筆者在觀眾看完兩種字幕後,採集這些觀眾的意見,接著進行整理以及分析。 統整出的結論為,兩種譯者在使用簡化策略上確實有所不同。24 位觀看影片的觀眾,其中有9 位是英文母語人士,他們較喜歡譯入母語的字幕,而另外15 位非英文母語的觀眾則較偏好譯出母語的字幕翻譯。
This research is to find whether there are differences between translation out of mother tongue and into mother tongue by using the example of Chinese to English subtitle translation. First, 12 translators were invited to translate the subtitle into English for a Chinese video. Half of them are Chinese translators, and the other half are English translators. After the work was done, the author looked into it to see how these translators adapted simplification in their subtitles. Afterwards, those subtitles were separated into 6 groups, one by Chinese translator and one by English translator per group. Each group had 4 non-Chinese viewers to see the video twice. 2 of the viewers in each group watched the video first with the subtitle done by Chinese translator, then the second time with the subtitle done by English translator. The other 2 viewers in the same group watched the video with the opposite order. All the viewers were asked to give feedback after they watched the video. Based on the analysis focusing on how the transistors adapted simplification into their translation and the opinions from the viewers, the author concluded that differences between translation out of mother tongue and into mother tongue do exist. Those native English speakers of the viewers tend to like English translators’ work more but the non-native English speakers of the viewers showed the opposite tendency.



中進英, 字幕翻譯, 簡化策略, Chinese into English translation, subtitle translation, simplification





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