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目的:機能服飾是近年來的熱門議題,但目前多數產品對於提升運動表現效果並不明確。高爾夫揮桿動作類似彈簧伸張縮短,若能利用紡織布料搭配協助肌肉收縮理論,應能開發出一套有效提升運動表現並且兼具舒適性的專業機能服飾。因此本研究目的為探討專業高爾夫機能服飾對於提升運動表現的功效。方法:共設計兩款高爾夫機能服飾,分別為SSC款依據肌肉牽張縮短循環,KT款依據肌內效貼紮,並製作與SSC款及KT款相同剪裁無加強布料的對照組(SSC-對照、KT-對照),探討6位業餘選手及14位專業選手在穿著不同機能服飾對於桿頭速度、肌肉表現的影響。使用無母數弗里曼等級變異數分析(Friedman two-way ANOVA by ran-ks)、二因子重複量數變異數分析(repeated measures two-way ANOVA)了解不同設計方式及加強線條間的效果,所有顯著水準皆訂為α=.05。結果:業餘選手穿著SSC款機能服飾桿頭速度顯著高於KT款,於上桿期SSC款股二頭肌活表現顯著大於KT款及KT-對照,其餘肌肉肌活表現均無差異;專業選手則在桿頭速度、球速、擊球距離均未有差異。結論:依據肌肉牽張縮短循環設計的機能服飾能有效提升業餘選手揮桿表現。
Introduction: The functional sportswear was a popular issue in recent years. However, performance enhancement of the functional garment was not confirmed by research. Golf swing movement is similar to an elastic spring which can store elastic potential energy, then release to kinetic energy. If we can integrate sports biomechanics with textile science, functional sportswear can be developed to achieve both functions of performance and comfort. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of functional sportswear on performance. Method: Six amateur golf players and fourteen professional golf athletes were recruited in this study. Two different functional sportswear were designed, one is SSC according to stretch shortening cycle theory, the other one is KT according to kinesio tape theory. Club velocity and muscle performance were measured. Friedman two-way ANOVA by ran-ks and repeated measures two-way ANOVA were used todetermine the difference between groups. Significant level was set at α=.05. Results: The results show club velocity of SSC group was higher than KT group in amateur players; The RMS EMG of biceps femoris of SSC group was higher than KT group in swing phase. The club velocity, ball velocity and distance were not significantly different in professional athletes. Conclusion: The functional sportswear can actually enhance club velocity in amateur players.



機能衣, 桿頭速度, 肌肉震動, 肌肉牽張縮短循環, kinetic garment, club velocity, muscle oscillation, stretch shortening cycle





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