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近年來,人機互動式學習在教育資訊化的氛圍中逐漸被重視,在教育現場上,人機互動式的數位遊戲式學習更是廣泛被運用,足見在人、機器、系統上達到教學平衡,讓學習者能透過人機互動的遊戲式學習重新被賦能的重要性。本研究旨在探討使用「運算思維虛實整合遊戲」以某國中學生為對象,在「人機失敗歸因」、「遊戲興趣」、「遊戲信心」、「心流經驗」、「持續意圖」之影響。研究內容以歸因理論及多媒體情意認知理論進行討論,透過臺師大數位遊戲學習實驗室研發之運算思維虛實整合遊戲「Comput-up」做為研究工具,搭配國語文教材進行圖像記憶與聯想,以問卷方式對新北市某國中七到九級學生共計457名進行研究調查。受測者在進行遊戲之後填寫,以此探討中學生在人機互動模式進行學習的人機失敗歸因、數位遊戲學習成效、遊戲信心、心流經驗、持續意圖等相互關係。本研究以新北市某國中七到九級學生共457為學生為研究對象,將其分為四人小組的模式進行遊戲施測,主要採量化研究法設計,在遊戲施測結束之後輔以問卷評量,共回收問卷446份,經一階驗證性因素分析,刪除不適問卷,最後留下421份問卷進行研究分析。研究透過AMOS20.0結構方程式進行處理分析,研究結果顯示:(1)Comput-up遊戲進行時人機失敗歸因與遊戲信心呈負相關。(2) Comput-up遊戲進行時人機失敗歸因與遊戲興趣呈負相關。(3) Comput-up遊戲進行時人機失敗歸因與心流經驗為負相關。(4) 遊戲興趣與心流經驗呈正相關。(5) 遊戲信心與心流經驗呈正相關。(6)心流經驗與持續意圖呈正相關。本研究期將研究成果歸結出相關建議,提供未來教育遊戲設計、學校教師及後續研究者作為未來學術研究之參考。最後依據分析結果提出結論與建議,希冀提供給數位學習遊戲教學者及後續研究之建議與參考。
In recent years, intergrating board game with App has been gradually emphasized in the education settings. How the computation thinking can be implemented as a borad game with augmented-reality (AR) and the influence students’ cognition and affection during play this types of computation has not been extendely studies. Thus, the present study applied a board game, named “Comput-up” which incorporated AR by scanning different QR code to answer learning subject knowledge. To understand the learning effect, based on attribution theory and cognitive-affective theory of multimedia learning, the present study explored the effects of playing with Comput-up in relation to"human-computer failure attribution," "gameplay interest in digital game learning," "confidence in digital game learning," “flow experience," and "continuous intention to play". The practice contents in AR were association with Chinese language textbooks embedded in the computational thinking game "Comput-up" which developed by the Digital Game Learning Laboratory of National Taiwan Normal University. An experimental study was conducted with questionnaire survey to understand the correlates between the above constructs. The target samples were from a hunior high school student, and a total of 457 students in grades 7 to 9 in a junior high school in New Taipei City were used as the target population for this study, and they were divided into small groups of four for game administration. After confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling, the results of the study were analyzed by using structural equation modelling, which showed that: (1) the attribution of human-computer failure during Comput-up games was negatively related to gameplay confidence. (2) The attribution of human-computer failure during the Comput-up game was negatively related to the gameplay interest. (3) The attribution of man-machine failure during compute-up games was negatively related to flow experience. (4) Gameplay interest was positively related to flow experience. (5) Gameplay confidence was positively related to flow experience. (6) Flow experience was positively related to persistent intention. The research results were summarized and recommendations were made for future educational game usage, for school teachers to apply this Comput-up game.



虛實整合, 遊戲式學習, 人機失敗歸因, 心流經驗, 持續意圖, virtual-real integration, game-based learning, human-computer failure attribution, flow experience, continuous intention





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