B2B 市場品牌策略-動態能力觀點

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摘    要 相信在品牌的學術性的探討及研究是相當的多,但大部份都是探討B2C (Business-to-Cunsumer)市場較多,但對B2B (Business-to-Business)市場即企業對企業之間的交易關係之品牌探討及研究議題較有限,特別是餐飲業市場之業務性質的研究主題更是少。 B2B市場企業與企業之間的買賣交易行為往往是建築在彼此之間互動性及信賴度,故「關係的建立」在B2B企業市場是交易行為的基礎,在這種行銷方式呈現出較隱密式的談判模式,也因產業不同所呈現的行銷模式及做法之差異性,而現今時代無論是B2B或者B2C市場的趨勢均呈現出以客戶為導向的潮流,客戶的需求會決定廠商產品策略,廠商在接觸客戶中是否很清楚且了解客戶主要的、濳在(未來)的需求,無論是軟體或者是硬體之需求,是要達到滿足客戶取得訂單很重要的一環。 在品牌運籌策略企業是要以何種方式來因應世代環境的改變?運用客戶關係管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)科技系統分析了解客戶需求的軌跡,及關係行銷(Relationship Marketing)模式等均是為了創造客戶長遠的價值而採取的作法,B2B企業除了要達到滿足客戶需求外品牌策略為何?如何因應時勢變化創造出差異化而能使品牌在這市場勝出,有賴於經營者的智慧及應變能力做策略方針的調整創造股東最高價值。 本研究以採取個案研究方法及利用動態能力觀點來暸解探討,B2B封閉的業務市場之品牌策略,藉以A食品公司為例探討B2B市場企業因應市場發展及當時的環境,依客戶需求開發出多元化之系列產品,強化系列產品線的深度及廣度,在產品發展過程中延伸的多元品牌,讓客戶的粘著度及忠誠度更高,藉以擴增企業的事業版圖。並在其經營品牌中做一連串性策略調整及決策行為和品牌知覺對企業成長之成果研究,並以研究結果進行現況分析與提供策略的建議。
Abstract The researches on B2C (Business-to-Consumer) branding have already been discussed quite a while. However, the studies on B2B(Business-to-Business) branding are still limited especially in the area of food and beverage market. The successful transaction of B2B is relied on the interactions and mutual trusts between the business partners. Therefore, Relationship Building is the key to B2B business model. Private talks and negotiations is the norm of their market strategy, but, it also depends on various industries which their market strategy and implementation reacts differently. Furthermore, the customer-oriented trend is prevailing now. Regardless of B2B or B2C, the consumers’ demand defines the manufactures ‘product strategy. In the end, understanding the consumers’ current and potential needs either solid or soft needs is the key to obtain orders from customers. What is the branding strategy to respond to this new trend? CRM(Customer Relationship Managemtn) and RM(Relationship Marketing) are the ways to understand the pattern of consumers’ demand from the perspectives of long term values. In terms of B2B, what is the branding strategy for the manufactures? How to differentiate the brand to win the market? It all depends on management’s insights and adaptability to changes for making right strategy to react to the new environments. This research is to understand B2B based branding strategy by using case study method with support of dynamic capability theory. By taking food manufacture company A as a B2B based case study to understand their strategy adjustments behind and decision making in react to business environment changes. Brand varieties, product range diversifications, product coverage enlargements are the ways company A have made in order to enhance customer’s loyalty and stickiness to sustain their market share. This study is to analysis the impacts of these strategies to their brand awareness and to their overall business performance and lastly to provide strategic suggestions to company A.



品牌, 客戶關係管理, 關係行銷, 忠誠度, 動態能力, Brand, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Relationship Marketing, Loyalty, Dynamic Capability





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