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The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between sense of humor and creative potential, sense of humor and creative tendency of junior high school students. Effective convenience samples of 939 junior high school students from Taipei City, New Taipei City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City were selected as the participants. This study uses Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale, New Creativity Test, insight question, Chinese Word Remote Associates Test and Creativity Assessment Packet (Creative Tendency) as research tools. The data were analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, regression analysis, and canonical correlation analysis. Research Findings: 1.In the divergent thinking section, a positive correlation is a relationship between divergent thinking and the remaining parts of the sense of humor, except language fluency and laugh tendency, language flexibility and laugh tendency, language originality and the attitude towards humor, graphic originality and laugh tendency, graphic elaboration and social humor. 2.There is a significant positive correlation between insight and humor understanding. 3.There is no significant correlation between word remote association and laugh tendency, but word remote association is significantly positively related to the remaining parts of the sense of humor. 4.Creative tendencies of adventure, curiosity, imagination, and challenge are positively correlated with the sense of humor. 5.Humor creation can predict the performance of divergent thinking. 6.Humor understanding can predict the performance of insight. 7.The attitude towards humor and laugh tendency can predict the performance of word remote association. 8.Humor creation, social humor, laugh tendency and the attitude towards humor can predict the performance of adventure. 9.Humor creation and social humor can predict the performance of curiosity. 10.Humor creation, social humor, and laugh tendency can predict the performance of imagination. 11.Social humor, humor creation and the attitude towards humor can predict the performance of challenge. 12.When humor understanding, humor creation, humor in response, social humor and the attitude towards humor are higher, language fluency, language flexibility, graphic fluency, graphic flexibility, word remote association, and insight will be higher. 13.The higher overall sense of humor is, the higher the overall create tendency is. 14.When the ability of social humor decreases with a hearty laugh, the imagination will be higher with the low challenge. Finally, based on the conclusions, the study presents future research and practical recommendations.



幽默感, 擴散性思考, 詞彙遠距聯想, 頓悟, 創造傾向, sense of humor, divergent thinking, word remote association, insight, create tendency





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