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本研究旨在研究國中生創造性傾向、情緒形態及衝突處理策略間之關係,並探討(一)背景變項對國中生創造性傾向、情緒形態及衝突處理策略的差異(二)國中生創造性傾向、情緒形態及衝突處理策略之間的相關情形(三)國中生創造性傾向與情緒形態對衝突處理策略之預測性。本研究採用文獻探討法蒐集相關資訊,並以問卷調查法收取數據,樣本取自臺北市主東、西、南、北側共4所國中大約20個班級的學生,共480人為研究對象。研究工具有「國中學生創造性傾向量表」、翻修的「國中學生情緒形態量表」、「國中生人際互動量表」。分析時所用的統計方法包含描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子獨立變異數分析、皮爾森績差相關分析、迴歸分析。研究結果如下:一、 本研究自編之「國中生創造性傾向量表」信、效度佳。二、 國中生的創造性傾向在「性別」及「年級」有部分達顯著差異,在「出生序」及「家庭型態」則無差異。三、 國中生的情緒形態在「性別」、「年級」及「家庭型態」有部分達顯著差異,在「出生序」及無差異。四、 國中生的衝突處理策略在「性別」達顯著差異,在「年級」及「家庭型態」有部分達顯著差異,在「出生序」及無差異。五、 國中生創造性傾向與情緒形態大多達低度正相關;情緒形態與衝突處理策略大多達低度負相關;創造性傾向與衝突處理策略大多無顯著相關。六、 創造性傾向及情緒形態對逃避型策略分別具有正向及負向影響力;情緒形態對創造性傾向與競爭型策略的關係具有完全中介效果;情緒形態中的社會直覺對創造性傾向與忍讓型策略的關係具有完全中介效果;創造性傾向及情緒形態互相部分中介了彼此與協調型策略的關係。
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship among junior high school students’ creative tendency, emotional style and conflict coping strategies. This study discussed the following: (1) how the differences in junior high school students’ backgrounds affected their creative tendency, emotional style and conflict coping strategies; (2) how creative tendency, emotional style and conflict coping strategies of junior high school students are related; (3) how creative tendency and emotional style of junior high school students forecast their conflict coping strategies. The methodology of this study includes literature search for information and the use of questionnaire surveys for data. Survey participants consist of 480 students from about 20 classes of 4 junior high schools distribute in the east, west, south, and north sides of Taipei City.This study employed measurements schemes including “The Creativity Aptitude Scale for Junior High School Students”, “The Emotional Style Scale for Junior High School Students” translated and adapted by researcher's self, and “Interpersonal Interaction Scale.” It also applied Descriptive Statistics, Independent Sample T Test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-moment Correlation and Regression Analysis to analyze the numbers. The research results are as follows: (1) “The Emotional Style Scale for Junior High School Students” translated and adapted by researcher's self is reliable and valid. (2) Creative tendency among junior high school students saw partly significant different in Gender and Grade, but showed no obvious differences between different Birth Order and Family Style.(3) Emotional style among junior high school students saw partly significant different in Gender, Grade and Family Style, but showed no obvious differences between different Birth Order.(4) Conflict coping strategies among junior high school students saw significant different in Gender, furthermore partly significant different in Grade and Family Style, but showed no obvious differences between different Birth Order.(5) Most creative tendency among junior high school students saw low positive correlation with their emotional style; Most emotional style among junior high school students saw low negative correlation with their conflict coping strategies; Most creative tendency among junior high school students saw no obvious correlation with their conflict coping strategies.(6) Creative tendency has a positive effect on Avoidance Strategy, and emotional style has a negative effect on Avoidance Strategy; emotional style has a completely mediation effect on the relationship between creative tendency and Competitive Strategy; social intuition of emotional style has a completely mediation effect on the relationship between creative tendency and Accommodative Strategy; creative tendency and emotional style have partly mediation effects on the relationship between Coordination Strategy and each other.Finally, based on the results and analysis of this study, we made recommendations to school curriculum teaching, class management, administrative activities, parental education, and future researchers.
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship among junior high school students’ creative tendency, emotional style and conflict coping strategies. This study discussed the following: (1) how the differences in junior high school students’ backgrounds affected their creative tendency, emotional style and conflict coping strategies; (2) how creative tendency, emotional style and conflict coping strategies of junior high school students are related; (3) how creative tendency and emotional style of junior high school students forecast their conflict coping strategies. The methodology of this study includes literature search for information and the use of questionnaire surveys for data. Survey participants consist of 480 students from about 20 classes of 4 junior high schools distribute in the east, west, south, and north sides of Taipei City.This study employed measurements schemes including “The Creativity Aptitude Scale for Junior High School Students”, “The Emotional Style Scale for Junior High School Students” translated and adapted by researcher's self, and “Interpersonal Interaction Scale.” It also applied Descriptive Statistics, Independent Sample T Test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-moment Correlation and Regression Analysis to analyze the numbers. The research results are as follows: (1) “The Emotional Style Scale for Junior High School Students” translated and adapted by researcher's self is reliable and valid. (2) Creative tendency among junior high school students saw partly significant different in Gender and Grade, but showed no obvious differences between different Birth Order and Family Style.(3) Emotional style among junior high school students saw partly significant different in Gender, Grade and Family Style, but showed no obvious differences between different Birth Order.(4) Conflict coping strategies among junior high school students saw significant different in Gender, furthermore partly significant different in Grade and Family Style, but showed no obvious differences between different Birth Order.(5) Most creative tendency among junior high school students saw low positive correlation with their emotional style; Most emotional style among junior high school students saw low negative correlation with their conflict coping strategies; Most creative tendency among junior high school students saw no obvious correlation with their conflict coping strategies.(6) Creative tendency has a positive effect on Avoidance Strategy, and emotional style has a negative effect on Avoidance Strategy; emotional style has a completely mediation effect on the relationship between creative tendency and Competitive Strategy; social intuition of emotional style has a completely mediation effect on the relationship between creative tendency and Accommodative Strategy; creative tendency and emotional style have partly mediation effects on the relationship between Coordination Strategy and each other.Finally, based on the results and analysis of this study, we made recommendations to school curriculum teaching, class management, administrative activities, parental education, and future researchers.
國中生, 創造性傾向, 情緒形態, 衝突處理策略, Junior High School Students, Creative Tendency, Emotional Style, Conflict Coping Strategies