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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
本研究以焦點團體訪談方式進行,目的在深入瞭解大學生攝取蔬果的行為經驗,探討影響蔬果攝取行為的可能因素。研究對象為六所大學校院的53位學生,共進行 六場焦點團體訪談。經編輯式資料分析結果,影響大學生蔬果攝取行為的因素為多層面影響力,包括個人層面影響力、人際層面影響力及環境層面影響力。對於促進 大學生的蔬果攝取行為,建議應提高大學生對蔬果攝取的正向結果期望、建立行動能力、提供家庭及同儕的社會支持、提高蔬果可獲性及排除可能的環境障礙。本研 究也針對蔬果攝取議題的未來研究提出建議。
The purpose of this research was to gain an insight into the experience toward college students' intake of fruit and vegetable (f&v) and to explore potential factors influencing f&v intake behavior. Six focus group interviews were conducted with 53 students enrolled in six colleges. Data were analyzed by using qualitative research method. Three levels of influence were identified: intra-personal influences, inter-personal influences and physical environmental influences. In conclusion, college students' f&v intake behavior is affected by multiple levels of influence. Interventions to promote f&v intake are needed to target multilevel factors, such as emphasizing positive outcome expectancy, developing action skills, providing family & peer support, increasing availability of f&v and reducing environmental barriers. Finally, recommendations for the future research are made as well.
The purpose of this research was to gain an insight into the experience toward college students' intake of fruit and vegetable (f&v) and to explore potential factors influencing f&v intake behavior. Six focus group interviews were conducted with 53 students enrolled in six colleges. Data were analyzed by using qualitative research method. Three levels of influence were identified: intra-personal influences, inter-personal influences and physical environmental influences. In conclusion, college students' f&v intake behavior is affected by multiple levels of influence. Interventions to promote f&v intake are needed to target multilevel factors, such as emphasizing positive outcome expectancy, developing action skills, providing family & peer support, increasing availability of f&v and reducing environmental barriers. Finally, recommendations for the future research are made as well.